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· 7 years ago
Ones got massive uneducated oversight, a budget that is constantly being stifled by short sighted greedy people who can't see beyond their own immediate gains. The other is led by a singular view.
· 7 years ago
and the truth comes out
· 7 years ago
The right one should read "one healthy genius boi".
· 7 years ago
Space X launched a satellite and a car into space. It has a long way to go before it starts approaching NASA's achievements. Let's bring the Elon Musk cheer leading down a little, at least to realistic levels. The guy's just a walking PR stunt, nothing more.
· 7 years ago
the rocket who did bring the car into space had a developement time of 12 years so..
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
I love Elon and all but I know he's only got as far as he has because of the groundwork NASA and others have laid for him. I mean, putting a person on a moon and getting them back alive is quite the ordeal.
· 7 years ago
the thing is.. he DO stuff instead of just talking about it. most people just say "yeah we gonna do xyz and xyz". but elon musk DO this stuff instead of just talking about it.. he has a idea, and then he bring it into reality.. not just talk about how great his idea is like most other companys / nasa. i mean.. he even developed a flamethrower (which is not rly one) just for fun.. he is like a big playing child with lots of money & ideas.. he do a lot of good stuff for our earth.. without him, i think the space travel developement would go to hell / don't get further at all. we need people like him.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Does* X3
· 7 years ago
NASA put men on the moon, more than once. That's the epitome of doing stuff. Elon Musk talks about doing a lot of stuff, what he actually does is a much smaller subset of that. He's very good at getting people to invest their money in things. He's very bad at making money on those things for other people. Tesla is still not showing a profit, even after charging $70K a car and eliminating dealers. Sure he's a smart guy, but he's made a lot of money off of other people's investments, while a lot of other people haven't made anything.
· 7 years ago
you know that he was part of paypal, and that most of his money came from this? you know that developement takes time? you can't jump from 0 to 100 in a few seconds (fly to moon).. specialy because the restrictions are now WAY harder & stronger than @ the time where the moon landing was. if you inform yourself, you see that at the current time not even nasa could do a moon landing because the restrictions for the safety are got up like hell.. so elon musk have more to do than nasa in the past if he wants to do the same stuff.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Let's also recognize that SpaceX has a big contract with NASA to supply the ISS. And they are kind of behind on that contract.
· 7 years ago
Also worth mentioning they've been working on this for over a decade.