I'm confused, where does the "girls mature faster than boys" come from?
· 7 years ago
Idk but my guess is that it's similar to what the 2nd person said. For many 1000s of years girls have had to develop mental maturity before boys due to the pressures of things like (to start off with) foraging then moving onto housekeeping and taking on the role of being a wife and mother from a young age.
Well that or.. you know, girls hit puberty first and their genitals stop first and they have a shorter fertility and breeding cycle so they they end up physically developing much earlier than men
Did you know that girls are actually starting puberty younger now than they did 100 years ago? On average 100 years ago girls started puberty at about 16 but nowadays they start at about 11 or younger.
On average both sexes are beginning to hit puberty at an earlier age.
"A study published in Pediatrics in 2010 found that among a population of 1,200 American girls, about 23 percent of African-Americans,15 percent of Latinas and 10 percent of Caucasian girls had begun puberty (marked by breast development) at age 7.
In 2012, another study published in Pediatrics found that puberty in American boys – measured by testicular enlargement and pubic hair growth – was beginning six months to two years earlier than what research in previous decades had documented, particularly among African-American children."
In a previous line the article put the age of puberty in girls at 8 and boys at 9.
The above, as op pointed out, is a theory but as with everything its not the only theory and it isn't black and white. It's more than likely a mixture of theorys. Diet tends to be the prevailing theory, especially in the us where the childhood obesity epidemic is so prevalent. A higher bmi or fat content in a child increases the estrogen levels. That being said it could also be just hereditary. The early onset of puberty could be attributed to a number of different things.
Speaking from what I know (Psychology Honours Degree) boys will get away with more aggressive tendencies than girls because it's not seen as 'lady like' - this does get passed on in evolution. There is also literature that I'm currently studying that states because of how females have typically had the caretaker role, instead of a 'flight or fight' response, they tend to have a 'tend and befriend' response because their brains will give them Oxytocin (the 'cuddle' hormone) to take care of kids (in situations like WW2), and this has been passed on genetically. It's a really fascinating subject evolutionary psychology!
· 7 years ago
That's very fascinating. I personally always fought against the whole thing of being "lady-like" (I have 4 brothers and I hated being expected to behave a certain way so I didn't and rebelled against it, especially when it came to being treated differently like not being allowed to do things when my brother was) and so if I ever had kids (God forbid) I'd not tell them to behave a certain way just because of their bits. I hope I can be a good Aunt and teach my nieces (especially) and nephew not to take any shit just because of their gender and not let it define their behaviour etc.
· 7 years ago
Its very important to note that predictions like the above are not valid for EACH member of the respective groups, they are average values. The variation within a group can easily be larger than the difference between an average man and an average woman.
· 7 years ago
Kind of like how elephants are starting to be born without tusks to counteract poaching
I just did some research. Your comment is very misleading. Elephants born without tusks DID NOT do it to counteract poaching. And they definitely DID NOT START being born without tusk. What really happened is that elephants with tusks are being hunted out of the gene pool, leaving elephants without tusks to dominate. This is a completely different analogy to the evolution of female brain in response to culture.
· 7 years ago
Oh I guess I was wrong. I did learn something new though.
When someone says girls mature faster than boys they mean that girls hit puberty faster, thats it. It has nothing to do with socialisation or psychology, just basic biology
.................sure... nothing says dealing with stress like knowing you are going to either have to hunt down game that can kill you or go into war as soon as you are able and most likely die.
Women develop earlier because the faster we can reproduce as a species, the better chance at survival we have as a species. Period.
Lol... period....
edit: some stuff was kinda incoherent.
Humans have the largest penis among primates. This is due to the fact that girls only have sex with big dicks since the beginning of time. Natural selection at work. This might sound like satire but it's actually one of the theories.
ehhh... that theory is pushing it. Fat women and men used to represent wealth and little dicks were seen as preferable since 1) they were harder to damage in a fight, and 2) it was seen as harder to give in to lust and foolishness with a smaller penis , so a smaller penis was equated with more logical and rational thinking.
As someone who was already mature for my age and then got punished for childish behavior as a child (wasn't even allowed to run or laugh/talk about silly stuff at home), I can confirm I matured as a nice and sad little woman by the time I was 7. But when I was 14 and living alone for college I noticed how not normal it was and successfully reversed back to a healthy silliness.
So yep I think the teacher's theory might very well be true and I'm off to find articles about this :D
This is entirely possible evolutionarily. One mechanism could be: if the women didn't cope with the stress, they would be less likely to find a mate because their mental state is in shambles. Remember ladies and gents: survival of the fittest is BS. It's all about how has the most children, and mating is an important part of that process.
Edit: fittest
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
**survival of the fittest. And how in the submersible fuck is it bullshit?
Because, if you're an organism that can survives its environment, then that's a great step towards passing on your genes. But you need more. If you're sterile, then you may be the "fittest" but you're also an evolutionary dead end. If an organism lives half as long as you, but has lots of offspring, they win. That's the mechanism of evolution: having kids. That's it.
"A study published in Pediatrics in 2010 found that among a population of 1,200 American girls, about 23 percent of African-Americans,15 percent of Latinas and 10 percent of Caucasian girls had begun puberty (marked by breast development) at age 7.
In 2012, another study published in Pediatrics found that puberty in American boys – measured by testicular enlargement and pubic hair growth – was beginning six months to two years earlier than what research in previous decades had documented, particularly among African-American children."
In a previous line the article put the age of puberty in girls at 8 and boys at 9.
Women develop earlier because the faster we can reproduce as a species, the better chance at survival we have as a species. Period.
Lol... period....
edit: some stuff was kinda incoherent.
So yep I think the teacher's theory might very well be true and I'm off to find articles about this :D
Edit: fittest