I don't worship physics or science. I don't worship celebrities. I don't worship a lack of belief. The closest thing I've come to worshiping was a bowl of tonkatsu ramen.
· 7 years ago
I am a big fan of Elon Musk but not a worshipper. I don't worship anyone. It's just stupid. I just admire him greatly.
The real problem is most of people don't admire him. They admire an idealized version of him they fabricated in their own minds. They give him credit for things he didn't do, completely ignore his shortcomings (he's really not that smart), and come unhinged when any criticism is leveled against him or one of his projects. The thing that really gets me is the technical aspects of projects get completely overshadowed by his publicity stunts. People seem to admire the publicity stunts more than any technical accomplishments, though. I guess it's not much different than the Kardashians.
Worshiping another human being merely shows your lack of intelligence. Worshiping Musk is ludicrous. If you admire him, admire his lack of humbleness and over-driven vanity since he "suddenly" grew hair on his balding head!