Two alleged “Cop Killers” photographed after interrogations, 1920s
7 years ago by russiandude · 380 Likes · 4 comments · Trending
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· 7 years ago
Cops are human too. You kill a man's brother, he's gonna make you pay for it in blood.
· 7 years ago
Wasn’t much of an interrogation huh?
· 7 years ago
This is why I speak of protecting rights in other posts. Even as known and convicted cop killers these men have rights. More so when suspected but not convicted by due process. Certain human emotions and reactions are fairly universal and common. We get angry, we react in haste when emotion compels us, and that same emotion can cloud our judgment. At that each individuals judgment may not be as sound as another's. Even today we see people abuse the very processes they are entrusted to uphold. This is compounded as the world becomes more diverse and individual judgments may be no less sound but may hold different fundamental views. If we do not protect the rights of all there are rights for none. Imagine these men as you, or your mother or father or loved ones- imagine they were innocent but thought guilty by upset or mistaken officers.
· 7 years ago
What ever happened to the NSFW warning? Just asking for a friend.