In order of TL, TR, BL, BR
FRED (Made videos for younger people doing stupid crap in a super high pitched voice)
Annoying Orange (An annoying, talking orange)
Ray William Johnson (Basically the old version of Daily Dose of Internet)
SMOSH (Comedy channel)
Relics... great ancient relics from the dark times.... the ancient, forgotten times, forgotten by all but the longest memories...
There... there they lurk... waiting... waiting for the day when they become ironically funny...
You might break the first seal.
FRED (Made videos for younger people doing stupid crap in a super high pitched voice)
Annoying Orange (An annoying, talking orange)
Ray William Johnson (Basically the old version of Daily Dose of Internet)
SMOSH (Comedy channel)
There... there they lurk... waiting... waiting for the day when they become ironically funny...
Nobody watches it though.