The fuck, you haven't met my family! My dad considers me a dishonor because I like Coke and other sodas instead of proper drinks. Holiday is always in the same region because of the hella good restaurants, and my parents don't even stay up until midnight on New Year's Eve, they go to sleep just after the 5 hours long dinner which took one day and a half to prepare.
Food is not only necessary to live, but good food is narrowly correlated to good life. (As we say here, "Fat is life", "Joy of living and ham!!", and "When appetite is well, everything is well").
What do the authors of this article do with food? Inject just the necessary amount in their veins???
.... Okay, so I'm probably still gonna get some funny looks because I *am* fat, but A) when I went to Germany for a month I lost 30 pounds because it's actually possible to walk places there, and B) I wanna live somewhere that comprehends my attitude towards food, so... how many years should I study french before attempting to move?
Mmh, it depends on how dedicated you are... But I'd say 3 months to learn a basic beginner's conversation guide, and then you can move in a touristic town with a uni (because students are much more likely to understand english than other social groups, so you'll probably be able to communicate more easily). I would advise to avoid big towns like Paris because people there tend to live fast without giving a crap about others, but a place like Quimper could do. To buy food in a grocery store you need "hello/have a nice day -bonjour/bonne journée-" if you don't go to self checkout, and in restaurants/bakeries/... you can just point at what you want. Of course it's better if you have more time to study, but I'd say it's manageable. Or if you already speak German go to the Eastern part of France, it's close to the border so they are used to this language and it has the BEST food (flammeküche, Kassler, all the sausages you can dream of...) (& landscapes + architecture=walks.
OMG Vielen dank! Ich habe Deutsch kaum seit der Gymnasium gesprochen, aber ich koennte sehr moeglich schnell wieder lernen. Nun muss ich nur ein Paar bessere professionelle Faehigkeiten lernen. ... Na, ich glaube, dass meine Firma ein Buero in Frankreich hat....
Why are Millennials ruining the food industry?
Food is not only necessary to live, but good food is narrowly correlated to good life. (As we say here, "Fat is life", "Joy of living and ham!!", and "When appetite is well, everything is well").
What do the authors of this article do with food? Inject just the necessary amount in their veins???