Actually i heard there were quite a few neo nazi rallies in the United States recently. I find it disturbingly ironic that the country that spread so much anti nazi messages and propaganda is the one currently having a nazi problem.
Those idiots waving flags are not actual fucking Nazis and have been around for decades. The media is simply paying more attention to them in an attempt to link them to Trump.
Probably but regardless there are people who support nazi ideals and they're rallying. This isn't a matter of US politics it's about the terrifying fact that there are people who support nazi ideals and they could be growing.
It's a byproduct of American freedom. Germany has a very strict stance (understandably so) on any Nazi symbolism etc. they criminalized it. I'm not saying that's bad- but I'm saying the United States is about freedom of expression. That means that So long as they aren't breaking other laws we can't stop people from engaging in activities or ideologies we find offensive. I agree on both sides. I agree that there are statistically few "nazis" but realistically too many given that 1 is too many. I agree that it's disappointing and somewhat scary and that unchecked hate can become a movement under the right conditions. That said it's also important to remember that studies show most "neo nazis" are sad angry people looking to belong. Very few are "true believers" but over time are pressured and subverted by their peers. Outreach and somewhat unintuitively, kindness, can do much to end their hate. They just need a better group to belong to, to show them a better way.
If they wave a Nazi flag around, hate Jews, and are trying to promote white supremacy, what else should we call them but Nazis? Sure, it's not quite accurate to the historical definition, but there are lots of words whose meaning changes or expands over time.
They've been called many things. White supremacists, neo nazis, skin heads, etc. I can quote Trudeau, listen to Rush, dress in a scarlet British-style military pattern tunic, complete with a high-neck collar and blue breeches with yellow stripe, boots and a fancy hat, hype free healthcare and defend the royal prerogative- that don't make me a Mountie. These modern "nazis" may or may not hold to conventions of nazism stalwartly. One could argue an "evolution" of nazism which sheds the traditional ideals of nazism- however this is patently false. They can claim to be "spiritual successors" and follow whatever elements of nazism which appeal to their sad desires for power and validation- but they are not nazis. They are a group of hate mongers and mentally weak "joiners" latching on to symbology of a once fearsome but awful force to try and make themselves feel powerful and part of a larger whole. Calling them nazis validates their pathetic attempts and gives them power.
Kids didn't have to deal with what they do today back then- but kids also didn't have the technology and support, resources and knowledge kids do now. It's all relative. It's hard to compare "then and now" on these things- but you speak the truth. The world you were born in is the only world you can know. It is what it is unless you change what you don't like. No one has any choice over where they start but we do have a chance to choose where we end up. That's always been hard regardless of when you were born. We either push through, or we stay stuck somewhere we hate.
Sure, kids in 1940 didn't have to deal with what the kids today deal with. Or how about those kids in 1966? Kids in every generation have had to deal with things that were difficult. Today's generation has more information and knowledge available at their fingertips than ever before. The country is safer than it's ever been (based on crime statistics, real numbers), and kids have unlimited opportunities to succeed and grow.
Kids today aren't special, they've just been told they are by parents who got trophies for showing up.
I agree that much of this is bull. From a country in strife with civil rights (not to mention those kids of the "wrong" race who often didn't even have a chance to go to school), to ensure through wars, anti war and social revolution, antiquated and restrictive social values, the threat of nuclear apocalypse, and more. Every generation has faced challenges. These kids have more resources and are safer in many regards- but they also face things no one else ever has. They are bombarded by more information with less filters than ever before. Often not knowing what is or isn't trust worthy, having nothing stopping them in an instant of youthful passion or poor decision making from broadcasting to the world, and those awkward moment share preserved forever where everyone can see them. The world is more complicated now than ever for better and worse. As a teen most older people wouldn't be able to thrive socially and academically today andymore than these kids could back in time.
Kids are like sponges; they pick up all the stuff that happens around them, and they don't drop it easily. When they feel that other people are stressed out, they get stressed too. Especially if their parents are financially stressed, in which case it would affect them directly.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
I think it’s because of the way schools themselves work. You can’t lock a bunch of people in a windowless room all day every day and expect them to be happy little campers.
Given that adults can't experience modern school as a teen, and teens never experienced school before they were born- I could see someone feeling school is more stressful than ever- I'm pretty sure most students have felt that way- but it's a little hard to state as fact. We can't compare, we just have to listen when kids say they're stressed. Good news is that the world has been falling apart a long time. My grandparents and great grandparents went to school during world wars under credible threat of invasion. My parents and myself went to school under threat of nuclear war that makes the North Korea thing look like drone strike. There were 5 recessions from 1970-2000, with longer total duration, a higher peak and average unemployment for those periods. Nazis, neo nazis. Skin heads- they've been around and murdering people a long time. I don't say this to invalidate people's feelings- I say it because to the young everything is new and Unknown. Deep breaths. World is still here.
Why is school more stressful now?
The economy is fine.
"Total environmental destruction" is a massive exaggeration.
The neo-nazis are a virtually non-existent threat, calm down.
Much worse than the Cold War, living under the threat of nukes. Every time has its good and bad. Stop being spoiled rotten,whiny, weak asses and get your shit together. No one owes you a damn thing.
The moment humans discovered nuclear energy became the moment that no human would ever be totally safe the threat of nuclear weapons. That said- while there is still a danger of nuclear war, we do not live under the same level of threat today as we did furring the Cold War. We aren't in open military conflict with the worlds other largest nuclear power, while bigger ever more destructive weapons are being created and deployed to strategic locations around the world, and escalatingly devious methods of deployment and denial are being made. No longer do missile bases and nuclear strike craft run 24/7 deployments as a caution. The scale and intensity of the threat is much less currently. That said though we now face nuclear enemies with much less "to lose" in the MAD scenario that kept peace. The destruction would be far less but still horrific to us now, but rogue elements are even less predictable than our Cold War nemesis. That said- nuclear holocaust was never closer than the Cold War
· 7 years ago
Especially during the Cuban Missile Crisis with that Russian submarine that almost launched the missles but one guy didn't want to.
Yeah. There's several stories from the USA and USSR where an accident almost started a war. Once a base lost power through a 1/1000000 accident and every protocol said it was an attack. The bombers were on the runway taking off with no way to radio when they found the mistake. Someone had to run after and flag the bombers down. A single man in the USSR ignored every protocol and his suoervisors when his screen showed incoming missiles. He refused to launch a counter strike because he didn't believe it was real. He was right. Systems glitch. Hell- after Russia pulled out of Cuba they had actually left nukes there because the USA didn't know about those so they weren't mentioned in the agreement to pull out. They were going to gift them to Castro but then thought he might not be the best most stable guy to trust with them so had to take them back- lying about why. The world was almost wiped out more times than we'll probably ever know during the Cold War.
When I was in high school 4 years ago I took ap classes and honor classes.. other than trying no to fail and make sure I get my college applications in I really wasn't worried about much else (except family stuff)... and I don't think most my class mates were stressed either when it came to school... and we also had the same technology and catastrophic events happen to us... I am a mostly reddit chick now so I have to site this under the r/im14andthisisdeep
Ways parents are "screwing up the economy:"
-Pay for cell phones and phone plans for their children, even those who graduated from college.
-Pay Food, light, heat, hot water, etc., for their kids who move home because the job they got doesn't pay enough for them to go out as much as they want AND cover rent on an apartment.
-Subsidize a bunch of their kids' lifestyles because they can't live the way they're used to when they were living at home (even though it's a much better standard of living than those *parents* had when they were just starting out).
-The parents who chose fields of study and jobs based on a trade-off between job satisfaction and what skills were in demand and were well compensated are not spending enough to support the kids who didn't choose business, medicine, engineering or technology, but are now in art history, women's studies, and personal training and the jobs that those majors lead to.
Well, I'm just a simple turnip farmer so I may not know much- but I do know that wether you're buying things for yourself or someone else that would still stimulate the economy. I also am not sure if mechanical engineering counts as one of those fancy degrees guest was talking about, or if they lump it in with "art history." I do know that a good (younger) friend of mine just graduated a UC with his degree in mechanical engineering and after 8 months of job hunting landed a job that pays the same as the job I had when I was paying my way through the same major (he would have been a kid at the time.) It was a warehouse job that you didn't even need a highschool education to get. So I don't know that guest isn't confusing symptoms with cause here. It's kinda like saying that "maybe that runny nose caused your cold!" Nah bruh. It works the other way around. But I sense you might be a little upset that some people have support and maybe you don't?
Just grit your teeth and muscle through the fire. Every ounce of strife can make you better, if only you let it.
Kids today aren't special, they've just been told they are by parents who got trophies for showing up.
The economy is fine.
"Total environmental destruction" is a massive exaggeration.
The neo-nazis are a virtually non-existent threat, calm down.
-Pay for cell phones and phone plans for their children, even those who graduated from college.
-Pay Food, light, heat, hot water, etc., for their kids who move home because the job they got doesn't pay enough for them to go out as much as they want AND cover rent on an apartment.
-Subsidize a bunch of their kids' lifestyles because they can't live the way they're used to when they were living at home (even though it's a much better standard of living than those *parents* had when they were just starting out).
-The parents who chose fields of study and jobs based on a trade-off between job satisfaction and what skills were in demand and were well compensated are not spending enough to support the kids who didn't choose business, medicine, engineering or technology, but are now in art history, women's studies, and personal training and the jobs that those majors lead to.