There's a website called spurious correlations. I recommend it. You can see things like how the divorce rate in Minnesota coincides with the release of the mcrib, or how auto accident rates relate to the cancelation of tv shows.
you dont become a cook through cooking mama, you dont become a lawyer through ace attorney, and gta wont make you murder strippers. video games are just a scapegoat so politicians dont have to actually take action with gun issues.
Miniwheats , I understand people being antigun , but if criminals are going to break the law how can you stop it ? Look at the war on drugs, life sentences didn't stop people from trying to make a quick fortune. I think that laws can only make it more expensive and maybe harder to get a weapon on the black market. The reality that I fear about any bands , is taking things away from law abiding citizens. I also think that someone has the right to protect their home and family by any and all means necessary. The school shootings are horrible, but there was a kid in Oklahoma a few months ago that was able to survive a home invasion by 3 armed thugs. He killed them with his AR-15. A gun is a tool. Unfortunately , criminals can use tools,too. I think all decent folk want a nonviolent environment for themselves and family. Respect your opinion , just disagree, and I wish I knew of an answer. A band, or removal of a Constitutional Right isn't the answer.
i dont think guns should be taken away, but im tired of the video game argument being used for shootings. maybe people are just too mentally ill to be allowed to own a gun and it should be harder for them to obtain a gun
Ok. I misunderstood or read too much into it. That was the reason I first posted about human Peace ending with Pong. People looking for a scapegoat for mankind being messed up , have simply moved on to video games. Rock music will turn people into satanist , violent movies and tv showers are making people into murders,ect,ect. I might be wrong, but people that jump those links into conclusions ,strike me as the same type of people that thought any kid, acting like a normal kid was hyper-active /add and whatever buzzword they throw around before dosing out Riddilin and having a insane amount of normal kids turned into zombies. My teaches used paddles, write out a long sentence a bunch of times, detention and rarely suspensions. My grand kid got suspended from kindergarten last year (twice) for talking. I couldn't believe it. The breakdown down of families, the school teaching test instead of learning, parents not involved in the learning process. Those are the real problems, not a game
Wake up America