I hosted a fundraiser last year at a local establishment. 112 attendees were served dinner, sodas and draft beer were included for 2.5 hours, cake and ice cream for dessert (@$22 each=$2464), a dj with sound system was hired ($350), decorations were nothing special ($150) I tipped the servers and bartenders (4@75=$300). This comes out to $3264, (I’m forgetting something because our expenses were 3400.) and we served 112 people. We sold 125 tickets at $40 each and our caterer agreement was minimum 100 max 125. *edit I had flyers and tickets printed
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
At a wedding you’re not going to charge the guests to enter, if that’s what you said. And I guess there’s a lot of other expenses like the dress, tux, ring if you count that. I guess if you wanted a budget wedding you could easily do it for that kind of price but most people don’t want that
*Sigh* The point is I hosted a 112 person event for 3400.
My wedding was $8000 and we served 200 guests great food and drink. We wore suits we had, bridesmaids wore dresses they had, rings were family heirlooms, dress was a few hundred. Huge lavish weddings are not necessary.
I think I'm just coming from a family where 8000 is a lot of money but that seems like a pretty expensive wedding to me. I know people can spend a lot more on it than that but still. Though, to be fair, I don't know if I could be bothered with a full wedding. My sister is organising her wedding now and it seems like so much effort to try and cater for other people. Might just do what my parents did and elope when if the person I meet is the same way!
Wow. 8000? When. Where? I really tried to keep it simple and i spent around probably 15000 :/
I had done a party similar to your fundraising and it was around $4000
When the ve ue knows you are there for a wedding , cost doubles.
$8000 sounds like a lot but weddings are expensive, specially if you want a decent venue and have good number of people.
And by decent i mean just in a decent neighborhood, thatlooks "wedding-y". Not talking about fancy. I would have loved to have the space dor a backyard DIY wedding, but i have a huge family. I had to cut people and still had over 100 guests.
Also do not cater to other people. The wedding is about the bride and groom. Sure they should havr food and drinks for people but unless they have money they should worry about them. Good luck to your sister. When your time comes to plan one. Do you! I wanted my friends and family with me. But same as you my parents eloped, and a couple of friends have done it too. Court or church wedding and nice dinner after with parents
Thank you! My sister has been having issues as people have already started complaining about the date, the location etc and I've told her just to ignore them! Like you said, it's her wedding after all. Plus she'll be the one paying for it too! They won't be!
To be accurate, that's the cost of the RECEPTION. No mention of the cost of the dress...which apparently women sometimes spend >$5000 on for a one time use (today's dollars). Also, 30+ years ago, nobody had a destination wedding, obligating guests to,spend a buttload of money just to get to.
You can still have a reception in the equivalent in today's dollars. I've been to several where friends and relatives made the food and people served themselves buffet style. It might. It be a princess's dream wedding reception, but some couples foot their own bill rather than rely on daddy's limitless checkbook.
My wedding was $8000 and we served 200 guests great food and drink. We wore suits we had, bridesmaids wore dresses they had, rings were family heirlooms, dress was a few hundred. Huge lavish weddings are not necessary.
I had done a party similar to your fundraising and it was around $4000
When the ve ue knows you are there for a wedding , cost doubles.
And by decent i mean just in a decent neighborhood, thatlooks "wedding-y". Not talking about fancy. I would have loved to have the space dor a backyard DIY wedding, but i have a huge family. I had to cut people and still had over 100 guests.
You can still have a reception in the equivalent in today's dollars. I've been to several where friends and relatives made the food and people served themselves buffet style. It might. It be a princess's dream wedding reception, but some couples foot their own bill rather than rely on daddy's limitless checkbook.