It's meant in a "they wore matching underwear because they had hopes that sex was gonna happen" sorta way not a "they made the decision to have sex for you" sorta way.
If you look at it in the intended context it's informing someone who thought they were the one who decided on sex that their partner decided on sex first. Also there a bit of a funny thing in, what about when both are wearing matching underwear? Neither decided to have sex? They both planned it earlier and one wearing matching underwear causing the other to not be the one who decided on it so neither decided on something they both planned from the get go.
· 6 years ago
Me: *takes off clothes to reveal good boxers*
Woman: raPE RAPE R A P E
No if he has good boxers he is either newly married or is rich and has high standards on clothes and hygiene.
If his boxes have holes he is either poor or has been married a long time.
Woman: raPE RAPE R A P E
If his boxes have holes he is either poor or has been married a long time.