How can people not know it's a bad idea to microwave not food?
· 7 years ago
People too did put their iphones into the microwave because they believed a software update added a wireless charging system to their iphone. So.. Yeah. People are dumb.
people thought that a software update did add hardware to their iphone to charge it over microwaves. so they put it into the microwave to charge their batterys..and damaged their iphone by this. that's what he talking about.
I guess the point is somewhere along this: If your knowledge and intelligence don't prevent you from promptly doing things just because someone says you should do them, and also not from putting sh!t into your kitchen nuke without reading the manual or googling that matter, then apparently you need constant supervision and/or shouldn't use computers with web access in general and especially not social media.
If everyone has to extensively research everything they're taught, we'd be servery lacking knowledge. You're essentially blaming the source of our success as a species i.e. freely mimicking others.
· 7 years ago
How frigging "extensively" would you have to "research" to not put a bloody lump of aluminum foil into a microwave oven? In the olden days, people like that wouldn't have reached sexual maturity, so when you mention "our success as a species", individuals who just do what someone tells them to do without thinking sure are not a part of that success.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Gonna have to side with halfdead.
Put a little common sense into your actions before believing the internet, notorious for its scamming capabilities.
· 7 years ago
Or.. Search for youtube videos where people do what you want to do before you do it by yourself. So you see what happens before you screw up everything.
Everything is obvious in hindsight. All your augments are full of fallacies. A little research would show that my argument is true. But you guys don't know that? Looks like you're stupid I guess. Ciao.
Common sense is ones sound judgement without prior training, teaching etc. things like, don't stab ya self, don't eat that shit that killed bob, don't lean the ladder ya standing on against the limb ya gonna cut down. Personally I'd feel "don't put ya phone in a box that makes things hot and also melts some things" would fall under by same umbrella.
Everyone doesn't have to severely research everything they're taught, but, everyone should take the source of the information into account when determining whether or not to research. Accepting information from Pythagoras? Pretty low level of research required, accepting information from a random meme? You should probably double check your sources.
Research isn't required to refute your statement, just a little common sense.
Put a little common sense into your actions before believing the internet, notorious for its scamming capabilities.
Research isn't required to refute your statement, just a little common sense.
Someone should show the first part of this post to Rob Czar.