Now I'll kill anyone that tries to kill me in any scenario but I find repulsive to eat another human not because it's immoral but I know how disgusting humans are.
What do you mean rabbits aren't food. Shit man might as well say squirrels aren't food either cause ya can throw both in a pot with some dumplings and have a nice meal.
The cats and dogs are kind of mixed up there. Not unheard of for people to eat dogs -- but I have never heard of anyone eating a cat.
· 6 years ago
The local white trash guy at my school did. He lured a cat into one of those traps people use for trapping raccoons and opossums, shot it in the back of the head, cooked it, and ate it. When told how messed up that is, he looks at you like you called him stupid.
He's as white trash as you can get. I mean he's legitimately fucked one of his family members, albeit it wasn't a cousin but rather a neice because, according to him, "the little slut wanted it."
Maybe he needs someone to teach him the error of his ways....
· 6 years ago
He can barely spell and he's in high school. He's a 17 year old Freshman. Also wants to have a Holocaust for gay people. Lesbians too. Uses liberal as an insult (yet likes communism). Okay with black people, Hispanic people, etc. Didn't know Detroit had a reputation as being full of crime until he went there because it's a "Yankee state". He's a weird mixed-bag of Southern Stupidity.
He wants to exterminate queers? Well, that's another to put on the "QIA" red list. Maybe he needs a tough ace girl to kick his ass to make him see the light
· 6 years ago
Speaking of which, he routinely has sex with women old enough or be his mother. Also against abortion.
Also put a hit out on his friend, creepily stares at and stalks girls, and thinks you're gay if you so much as happen to have a dude's ass cross your field of vision.
Then just get him to admit to something on tape. I believe Kentucky isn't a two party consent state so recording him hold be admissible in court tho I believe any evidence gifted to the police by a private citizen collected of their own volition is admissible but I'm not sure on that.
Hell just jailbreak a phone and put a bit on there so it never shows that it's recording a voice memo. It's fairly easy to get someone to admit something by accident.
Most jailbreaks are pretty simple and the authors usually have good instructions. Then you just gotta look around or ask a someone who knows what they're doing to make an edit to hide the memo indicator
· 6 years ago
In a month, it won't be my problem anymore because he'll be going back to Tennesee.
· 6 years ago
You tell me his name is lenny or some shit and I'm sold.
In times of adversity, we must always keep our morals about us.
No where, all is food
Say no more