I can only agree with @unicorncove
Below 5'7'' is considered short for a girl in Germany. Also we seem to be getting taller and taller. One of my best friends is 6'1'' and I see a lot of girls as tall as her lately.
American girls seem to be getting shorter and shorter. Is Germany using some quantum mechanic technology to steal our tallness? Natives used to be the tallest people on thr planet at one time. What is this treachery?!?!
Yea plains Indians were once the tallest people in the world. Idk if they are still tall as I only know Creeks, Cherokees, a few Delawares, I think a Seminole. All east coast originally before the eviction west.
East coast natives aren't particularly tall and you say west coast natives are the same, did the middle natives just like steal all the high from the rest of us to be super tall?
Below 5'7'' is considered short for a girl in Germany. Also we seem to be getting taller and taller. One of my best friends is 6'1'' and I see a lot of girls as tall as her lately.
Like, at all...