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· 6 years ago
Some people never learned the first one
· 6 years ago
I am one of them!!
· 6 years ago
But can u do dis?
· 6 years ago
That’s mostly true... mostly. But you may have several ports that take the same type of cable but do different things. A simple example is that a TV may have 4 HDMI ports, but only 1 or 2 which have HDMI CEC. While a device requiring CEC to function will plug in to any of those ports, it won’t by default work correctly or at all. Ethernet ports are similar and may serve dedicated components or functions, or certain ports may carry different protocols etc. Everything seems simple when we have experience- it’s hard to grasp that what is intuitively simple to us can be hard for others. But the symbols and worlds- even “input” and “output” can be confusing, especially when someone is worried that a mistake could damage expensive equipment. An example using software is certain android devices. A mounted SD card is identified as “storage” in file view, while the onboard memory is called “sd card.” To a new user it is not intuitive and could cause confusion or even harm.
· 6 years ago
I was making a pewdiepie reference but that is actually very insteresting (I'm not even being sarcastic that's actually interesting)
· 6 years ago
I’m glad you found it interesting, and apologize. I’m unfamiliar with Mr. Pie’s work so missed the reference.
· 6 years ago