Depends. Some it's boredom. Others just like kids. Some are just horny mofos. For the shitty ones they get more benefits and pump out babies for more stuff and have little to no love for them and neglect them.
Or.... maybe they don’t see being poor as worse than not being alive? Maybe they see a world where their kids may have a better shot, and if they don’t make it they think life is still worth living? Let’s look at history. Through history people tended to have larger families. It was advantageous. Like modern “poor” these people didn’t have easy abundant access to food, much of the technology used in modern life, or medicine let alone modern medicine. A larger family allowed them better odds. Even in modern life many of those advantages exist. A $3,000 a month 2 bedroom home (a good deal where I live), if you have 4 people earning money living there- that’s $750 each must earn for rent. 8 people makes it $375 each. Food is relatively cheap and can be skimped on. Same with clothes etc. a home is the basic foundation of life- especially in the modern world. When you are old and have no retirement many kids+grand kids means more people to carry the burden of taking care of you.
I've seen some people complain about not being able to afford their rent while they have Jordan's and an iPhone. It really depends on the individual person being talked about.
And if advice is legit, it'll help even if the person it's coming from isn't poor themselves.
Alternative take: when the article shows how to feed a family for $100 a week, get some ideas on how to,do it for $150 to $200 instead of the $500 you've been spending without any thought or planning.
Just last weekend, I was at an event where a relative and her husband were complaining that they had no "extra" money. Another relative asked them how much they smoked. It turned out that they were both at a pack a day. How much does a pack cost? Turns out it's $7. Since 7x7 is 49, that means they'd at 100 a week between the two,of them or about $5000 a year. You can do that math in your head. A lot of people can't hold onto money because of stupid decisions and compounding that by never examining their expenses at all.
Don't have kids when you can't even feed your own mouth
And if advice is legit, it'll help even if the person it's coming from isn't poor themselves.
Just last weekend, I was at an event where a relative and her husband were complaining that they had no "extra" money. Another relative asked them how much they smoked. It turned out that they were both at a pack a day. How much does a pack cost? Turns out it's $7. Since 7x7 is 49, that means they'd at 100 a week between the two,of them or about $5000 a year. You can do that math in your head. A lot of people can't hold onto money because of stupid decisions and compounding that by never examining their expenses at all.