I still remember being afraid to ask for help in school. As an adult I can say this- the lofty idealist would say there are no stupid questions. There is truth there, however reality can be more complex. In a job for instance, at a point people may question your competence, or you may face consequences as a “slow” “difficult” or “not quite the right fit” employee. In school though....don’t care. Just don’t. If you’re afraid of what the other kids will think and can’t just say balls to them in favor of your own education (it’s unlikely you’ll see any of the much if ever again in just a few years anyway...) just see the teacher in private. Ask all the questions. The only reason you’re there is to learn. Otherwise you’re wasting your time. If they don’t help, escalate. Let parents or administrators know you asked for help and didn’t get it. Demand an education. It’s the one time in life you’ll have to truly ask questions without any real or potentially lasting risk.
Tl:dr- ask. There’s no real danger, you’ll likely only know these people 1-4 years max and then never see them again, and you don’t need to worry about a teacher thinking your “stupid.” If you knew everything you needed, they wouldn’t have a job. They spent 4-8 years extra minimum to get their job on top of all the grades of school you haven’t done yet. And honestly... they did the work to become a highly paid professional with an easier job, for a job they knew was over worked and underpaid/appreciated. So unless they did it for passion and principal of doing just that- educating young minds and answering questions, no one in the room can consider the other “stupid.”
(I dont disagree with your point tho)
It's less likely than you think.