"Is anyone there? Hello? I can't hear you. Hello?"
· 6 years ago
didn't watched enough dr. who to know that part of it :D i think i have to rewatch it ;) i watched it 1-2 years ago, but i think i missed that stuff (maybe not everything was ready to watch on netflix, don't know) :)
In dr who there is a part where it looks like this image. Google reverse image search too said its from dr who. And because no one said from where it is.. Well i thought its from dr who.
I'm here. It's not from Doctor Who.
Though there was a similar premise in the episode "Silence in the Library". This particular version of skull-in-helmet was not used in the episode.
A reverse image search tells me it's the helmet of some dude named "Timmy" from halo 5. I haven't played the game, nor know the story so I can't comment on the total validity of that.
· 6 years ago
google reverse image on my smartphone told me its from dr. who. the "shadows" did eat a guy in a spacesuit and then talked & moved the spacesuit around..there are pictures where you see the spacesuit with a skull in it from i think the episode of the library. so i thought a fan did a drawing of this situation in a spaceship and modified the helmet ^^.
Edit: found it.. Its from dr. who
"Is anyone there? Hello? I can't hear you. Hello?"
Though there was a similar premise in the episode "Silence in the Library". This particular version of skull-in-helmet was not used in the episode.
A reverse image search tells me it's the helmet of some dude named "Timmy" from halo 5. I haven't played the game, nor know the story so I can't comment on the total validity of that.