i am a hugger. huge. love hugging people but it has to be people i know, like and want to hug. other people i do not fucking wanna touch, thank you and stay out of my personal space.
that's just how it is. i shouldn't need to /apologise/ to asholes who want to hug me, saiyng /i aint a hugger/ because saiyng 'i dont want you to hug me' might offend their little tender feelings. -.- that's bizzare and people (men) need to grow the fuck up. and also don't hug people you're not sure wanna be hugged.
· 6 years ago
That's why I stick to a simple firm handshake to show your dominance.
maybe she just didn't wanna be hugged?? why must women put up with everything unless they want to be a sob story by some dudebro on the interent???
personally i think it's worse if you're being hugged when you don't want to be hugged than to get a handshake when you were hoping for a hug. christ. grow up.
· 6 years ago
I think the guy was just more embarrassed for going for it and not so much insulted. The guy read the situation wrong, and now he's embarrassed. No harm no foul.
That's tough bro
that's just how it is. i shouldn't need to /apologise/ to asholes who want to hug me, saiyng /i aint a hugger/ because saiyng 'i dont want you to hug me' might offend their little tender feelings. -.- that's bizzare and people (men) need to grow the fuck up. and also don't hug people you're not sure wanna be hugged.
personally i think it's worse if you're being hugged when you don't want to be hugged than to get a handshake when you were hoping for a hug. christ. grow up.