The permit is concealed, not the shark. I knew a guy with a concealed Carrie permit. He kept a pre teen psychic in his hip holster at all times. Ruined his back and his prom. I told him it was a bad idea to bring that thing to a dance.
So you wanna put a net over all the guns?
Or you dont think guns should be allowed in the ocean?
In case my sarcasm isn't clear enough, I'm saying this analogy is horrible.
I dont have the statistics in front of me but I'm reasonably sure 100% of shark attacks were caused by a shark deciding to try to eat a person. I scoured the internet and i've yet to come across one case of a gun deciding to shoot anyone.
Kinda sounds like they would round up all the law abiding citizens in a secure area for gun control. This is some pretty warped thing. Opposite of putting criminals behind the net (bars).
@princessmonstertru I think the analog is shark = person with gun. Perhaps to make it more valid it would be that everyone gets shark teeth to bite back. However, even inaccurate, I think we all got the idea.
Most sharks aren’t dangerous. They use their teeth to hunt, or maybe for sport with fellow sharks, and when needed they are used in defense. No problem there. Some sharks though- some sharks either have something inside that makes them attack things when they shouldn’t, or they get scared, or mistake an innocent swimmer for a threat or prey. Sometimes they are defending themselves or hunting or playing and an innocent swimmer gets in the way and gets bit. The only way to really avoid a shark is to stay away from any water unless you know it’s secured against sharks. That security means physical barriers and oversight to make sure its as shark free as advertised. They also regularly track sharks, especially ones near people or who they think could be dangerous, but sometimes random sharks. It helps when there’s a shark attack to figure out which is the dangerous shark so they don’t have to hunt down all the sharks.
They can’t be communicated with, they don’t care for laws, they don’t posses human reasoning as far as we know. They act on instinct and whatever whims a shark has. They also can’t readily be separated from their “weapon” without being left without a reliable means of defense and food let alone the psychological impact of taking a sharks teeth and what that would do to its well being. In the end they are sharks. They aren’t people, they don’t have the same rights or burdens, they aren’t held to the same standard. People often scoff comparing guns to alchohol, heart disease, cars, computers, or any other preventable cause of death or harm that top the lists way above gun violence- but compare the gun debate to sharks and suddenly it’s no longer a poor analogy but a home spun truth. Life is interesting. So are people. Let’s see a shark do that huh?
Ok, ill bite ... Sticking with this analogy would mean that it's already illegal for sharks to bite people (just like shooting someone in the USA is illegal). So we could just pass a new law that bans all the sharks (including the ones who would never bite a person) to stay away from the beaches! Clearly all of the sharks that are ok breaking the biting law would certainly obey the beach ban law.
I guess there is some accuracy to this analogy after all.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
Clearly this problem could be solved with a sign saying "No Sharks allowed beyond this point,"
if this was a gun control analogy they wouldn't put up nets they would try to confiscate the teeth from the humans and the sharks. and call it a success even though some sharks still have teeth but it's only the ones that bite humans. and then make sure the media doesn't talk about those sharks so it seams like pulling all the teeth worked.
The comedian Chris Rock , did a bit where he said the best thing to protect people from accidental shootings was to make each bullet cost $5,000.00 . People would be a lot more careful of hitting their intended targets and no more innocent bystanders getting hit.
It’s a fun and humorous joke. In practical terms though it falls short. It’s possible to make a gun, but the tools, knowledge, and skill to make a modern fire arm aren’t for the average joe. However, a bullet can be made with relative ease and fairly common materials. There are likely enough cases available right now to keep hand loaders supplied for many decades. There would be a rise in black market prices, but the price increase just incentivizes making your own, as at that price you could buy everything you need to make plenty of ammo at home. There is little legislature that can stop the people who want guns most from getting them. Ironically many well meaning laws in states like California just serve to create future problems. California has some of the harshest gun laws but is the #2 gun buying state. Fear of future restrictions or bans drives people to rush to the gun store whenever there’s a rumor before it’s “too late.”
I could see Uncle Sam trying it as a form of restriction though. Use the pricing as away around regularions. Look at how they tax cigarettes, can't ban them or alcohol , let's make some money and say that we are doing it for their own good. Haha. By the way , it's good to see you on here Guest, where's your blue star ?
It comes and goes @popsy. Good to see you too. Yes. It’s all too common that they can claim to be honoring “freedom” simply by putting a price on it only those “in the club” can afford. It’s already the case with many “assault” weapons. There are quite a few weapons you can own that are worthy of a military arsenal- so long as you have the money or connections and are willing to pay a special “tax” or extra fee.
Or you dont think guns should be allowed in the ocean?
In case my sarcasm isn't clear enough, I'm saying this analogy is horrible.
I dont have the statistics in front of me but I'm reasonably sure 100% of shark attacks were caused by a shark deciding to try to eat a person. I scoured the internet and i've yet to come across one case of a gun deciding to shoot anyone.
I guess there is some accuracy to this analogy after all.