Don't throw them too fast or it might be construed as being 'fully semi-automatic'
· 6 years ago
Nearly 1.3 million people die in road crashes each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day. An additional 20-50 million are injured or disabled. More than half of all road traffic deaths occur among young adults ages 15-44... so why have we not banned cars yet? They seem to do a lot more damage but I guess if something is shiny and comes with AM/FM radio it's harder to blame for society's problems.
I see this argument a lot. A cars purpose to to transport people and items. Accidents happen and we try to mitigate the damage by making people take tests, have seat belt laws, and all sorts of safety features in a car. A guns sole purpose to injure or kill. That's the difference.
· 6 years ago
A tool is a tool, and by your own logic we put the measures in place that we can to emphasize responsibility but by your own logic people will still do the wrong things with the right tools. The issue is people.
I disagree that "a tool is a tool." A hammer is not the same as a gun is not the same as a bottle of glue. Yes, people can use anything to deadly effect, but the ease at which guns can and will be used to kill is what makes them unique.
· 6 years ago
Then unfortunately you're ignoring the bulk of the statistics publically available, but I respect you're right to have a different opinion.
Yes, it is a tool, and yes it is made to easily kill/injure. Yes, they can be abused and used to cause unjust damage and death. But they are also the great equalizer (from Mr Colt) and make it so the biggest and strongest don't/can't prey on the weak. A society works because people respect each other. Unfortunately, not everyone in a society does and that's when a society can fall apart and becomes survival or the fittest and only the strong will survive. Guns, or an equalizer where it doesn't matter your physical prowess help to keep people honest.
Or there is any Assault Rock in them?
-Roddy Piper-