Seriously though, people should not be downvoting this because he’s right. Pick up this grades. And what message is this parent trying to send? That it’s okay to nearly fail out of every subject because you love dogs and have an A+ imagination? Where the hell were these parents in the months leading up to this report card? I give this dude a D for parenting skills.
I mean, it says it in the dad's actual comment as well. Like literally the first thing. So even if you miss the header, if you read any part outside the report card (which you would have had to to know she was failing to begin with), it's a pretty giant thing to miss twice in a row
sometimes getting the grades up just isn't possible when there is something causing a misstep in the brain like this especially when the teaching staff isn't equipped to deal with it back in elementary school one of my friends had a math processing thing with his brain that made him take longer to do anything math related past minimally complex. None of the teachers ever figured it out because one math teacher looked at him and had him labeled as just a stupid native kid. It wasn't until we got into a native only high school that anything was done about it.
The record appears to have broken.
You're operating under the assumption that they're not trying to get the grades better, and that they haven't tried in the past.
For all we know, she *knows* the information quite well, but has trouble expressing it in a written format. Or perhaps she gets extreme anxiety during testing and that's dragged her grades down.
Or maybe she's just not capable of learning at whatever level she is at
I don't see any evidence in the OP that anyone has given up on trying to improve her grades, or anyone arguing that they shouldn't continue to try. All anyone has said is there are extenuating circumstances that should be taken into consideration.
In the meantime, his daughter is suffering from failing, and is taking it so much to heart from the sounds of it, it could very easily become crippling to someone in her situation
You can tell someone with a broken leg you like their cast, that doesn't mean you're implying they should never try and walk again.
The dad never once says "welp, shithead, you fucking failed. But that's perfectly alright, I hope you never do anything to improve yourself ever again."
All he's trying to tell his daughter is that falling down once in awhile isn't the end of the world. Just because you failed at something doesn't mean you're a failure at everything, that you're worthless, or that you should give up.
I can't think of many people, autistic or not, who haven't needed to hear something similar from time to time.
Given the fact that she said "I've let everyone down," I'd readily assume that she and the rest of her family are trying to raise her grades, and that they've not found the right way to go about it yet. Dealing with Autism Spectrum Disorder is hard, and not every person with ASD can be helped by the same methods.
@garlog since you continue to re-use your comments, I guess I'll do the same:
"I don't see any evidence in the OP that anyone has given up on trying to improve her grades, or anyone arguing that they shouldn't continue to try. "
No, you just repeatedly ignored the fact that no one had said she shouldn't try by responding to every comment people made with "she should still try," despite the fact that you had already voiced that opinion, and that no one had said otherwise.
So, either you were arguing your opinion needlessly, against arguments that were never made, or you just liked the sound of your own voice so much you felt the need to repeat your sentence endlessly despite the fact that it had no additional validity added to it.
Either option hardly seems worthwhile, but given you were doing this in the "reply" context-- as in, responding to statements others had made-- that tends to imply you were, indeed, REPLYING to statements made by others. Which, again, your comment has no actual basis for after the first one you made since, AGAIN, you said nothing new, and were commenting on an issue everyone already addressed.
"you just repeatedly ignored the fact that no one had said she shouldn't try"
Again, I never said that this wasn't a fact.
"you were arguing your opinion needlessly"
"you just liked the sound of your own voice"
This is all text, bud.
"you were, indeed, REPLYING to statements made by others."
Yes, obviously.
"you said nothing new,"
Yes, because it was the same thing replying to different people.
Good grief, this is literally arguing with a broken record using the type of logic I haven't seen since the playground days.
-and yet that doesn't change the fact that you ignored it.
-at least you're a tiny bit self-aware now.
-You like the sight of your own text*
Now you don't have to take it so literally :) sorry it was too complicated before.
-point going over your head, then? That seems to be your speciality.
-and yet added nothing new to any of it. They'd all seen your comment and responded to it. Replying with the same thing to each and every one was useless and ridiculous. Not to mention added nothing new to the conversation. Which sums up everything in your comments since then, and at this point this is just an exercise in ridiculous redundancy bordering on spam, so I'll leave you to it
-Don't think it's relevant
-I enjoy (shit)posting, if that's what you mean.
-Point not relevant.
-I made two redundant posts, one was comedic, the other was a shitpost, bravo, very astute of you. Why have you replied so much to "useless and ridiculous" posts?
You're operating under the assumption that they're not trying to get the grades better, and that they haven't tried in the past.
For all we know, she *knows* the information quite well, but has trouble expressing it in a written format. Or perhaps she gets extreme anxiety during testing and that's dragged her grades down.
Or maybe she's just not capable of learning at whatever level she is at
I don't see any evidence in the OP that anyone has given up on trying to improve her grades, or anyone arguing that they shouldn't continue to try. All anyone has said is there are extenuating circumstances that should be taken into consideration.
In the meantime, his daughter is suffering from failing, and is taking it so much to heart from the sounds of it, it could very easily become crippling to someone in her situation
The dad never once says "welp, shithead, you fucking failed. But that's perfectly alright, I hope you never do anything to improve yourself ever again."
All he's trying to tell his daughter is that falling down once in awhile isn't the end of the world. Just because you failed at something doesn't mean you're a failure at everything, that you're worthless, or that you should give up.
I can't think of many people, autistic or not, who haven't needed to hear something similar from time to time.
"I don't see any evidence in the OP that anyone has given up on trying to improve her grades, or anyone arguing that they shouldn't continue to try. "
So, either you were arguing your opinion needlessly, against arguments that were never made, or you just liked the sound of your own voice so much you felt the need to repeat your sentence endlessly despite the fact that it had no additional validity added to it.
Either option hardly seems worthwhile, but given you were doing this in the "reply" context-- as in, responding to statements others had made-- that tends to imply you were, indeed, REPLYING to statements made by others. Which, again, your comment has no actual basis for after the first one you made since, AGAIN, you said nothing new, and were commenting on an issue everyone already addressed.
Again, I never said that this wasn't a fact.
"you were arguing your opinion needlessly"
"you just liked the sound of your own voice"
This is all text, bud.
"you were, indeed, REPLYING to statements made by others."
Yes, obviously.
"you said nothing new,"
Yes, because it was the same thing replying to different people.
-and yet that doesn't change the fact that you ignored it.
-at least you're a tiny bit self-aware now.
-You like the sight of your own text*
Now you don't have to take it so literally :) sorry it was too complicated before.
-point going over your head, then? That seems to be your speciality.
-and yet added nothing new to any of it. They'd all seen your comment and responded to it. Replying with the same thing to each and every one was useless and ridiculous. Not to mention added nothing new to the conversation. Which sums up everything in your comments since then, and at this point this is just an exercise in ridiculous redundancy bordering on spam, so I'll leave you to it
-I enjoy (shit)posting, if that's what you mean.
-Point not relevant.
-I made two redundant posts, one was comedic, the other was a shitpost, bravo, very astute of you. Why have you replied so much to "useless and ridiculous" posts?