I wouldn’t call these rules as much as a philosophy. Sometimes, waiting is the best or only productive option. Being able to rely on yourself is good- but there are many things in life a single person either struggles with, or could not realistically do alone. Relying on others not only is often the secret to succcess, but helps build bonds and trust. Life is hard, and being a “baby” isn’t good- but sometimes processing our feelings is the best way to turn a set back into an opportunity to learn. While some “fuckwits” are completely toxic, some just need guidance and help to be great and successful. Helping them now could not only change their life, but they could change yours later, and a “fuckwit” of good character will repay your loyalty 10x over. Some jobs are perfect for “fuckwits” and I use “fuckwits” I trust. Being practical is a great success trick- but how many great success stories would have gone much different if they had been practical instead? Know when to be practical.
I hope you've learned your lesson, young man. *arms crossed*