Best thing I ever saw was on a box of cheap non-name brand chocolate chip cookies. On the nutrition it said serving size 2 cookies and gave info on it than it said whole box and gave info. Lmao I was like damn who eats a whole box than one day while on my period I did and I was like o people like me lmfao.
I look on the back of my block of chocolate. "Serving size: 2 squares" wtf bitch? Nobody gonna eat two goddam squares. I eat two goddam rows for a serving.
When I grew up in Texas we made iced sweet tea about 4 to 5 pitchers a day there was 6 kids and 3 adults. (And I feel so weird that I have to explain that it was iced sweet tea lol I grew up the only tea there was WAS Iced sweet tea so we just called it Tea.)
Now just me and my husband and our daughter we go through a pitcher and a half but it is summer. During winter it is more like 1 pitcher a day. And so you know a pitcher is like 2 gallons.
Im basically the only person in my house that drinks the brand I buy and usually I get like 2-3 gallons of it. I'll run out right quick and have to resort to drinking (insert random fizzy drink my people currently are in love with)
Now just me and my husband and our daughter we go through a pitcher and a half but it is summer. During winter it is more like 1 pitcher a day. And so you know a pitcher is like 2 gallons.