Young children would naturally act as "transgender" if their education makes it possible for them, because genders are a social construct by which they are unaffected until they are exposed to it. No boy cares about wearing pink before they learn by the douches who were there before them (i.e. us) that pink is a girly color. No girl refuses to play with toy cars before they are taught that "cars are for boys".
Calling your child "transgender" because of that? That's pretty ridiculous. Stating that you want to help minimize the social violence exerted by gender constructs and ambient misogyny, and that the first step in this direction is letting your child do what-the-fuck-ever s-he wants? Yes, by all means.
Actually no, please don't let your child do what the fuck they want cause lots of kids want to eat dirt
You should let your kids have freedom to grow naturally, let they wear the colours they like and play with the toys (the good ones not weird fake knives shit)
Kids don't know any better (they think dobut they don't, 30 years old me probably think me now, 21 years old, doesn't know shit) and as adults, it's our duty to help them figure it out through suitable, healthy ways.
I let my 9 years old brother try on dresses when he was like 3 and he loved it. That doesn't make him a trans, he just likes how comfortable it is. And then people laughed and he didn't like it so much anymore
· 6 years ago
Yeah gender isnt a social construct. There are some stereotypes that are, (like only boys are supposed to like cars), but while my 2 year old daughter loves toy cars and trucks but I'm not going to take that behavior and assume shes transgender because that's insane and if I tried pushing her in any direction based off those assumptions I'd be no better than the people you're criticizing. All due respect, a child doesn't know squat about themselves or the world and that's fine because they're a child.
Parents need to understand that all children have fluctuations between gender traits when they're young purely because they haven't figured out what they like yet. Let them develop a personality and interests and discover for themselves if they really want to make a lifestyle choice as drastic as transitioning.
Gender is a biological issue, not a social one.
There are two genders and if ur transgender then your transissuing from one to the other.
A very effeminate boy is still a boy. That douen't change until you change it physically.
It is not uncommon at all for a child around that age to show behaivor that is not in accordance with their assigned gender. The difference is between now and the past is, that parents are brave enough to say yes when a boy wants to be a princess or a girl wants to be a knight. Instead of viewing gender with the same rigidity as we have before, we need to support parents who listen to their children, and not to shame them for being empathetic.
Yes to @Shepard530
Curiousity of a kid does not allow you to permit a physical treatment..
Every kid often behaves like a dog or a cat for some days.. that does not mean you help them change that notion..
Even in the OP example.. If the cat is actually having an issue with meat, the vet will suggest a vegan diet for sometime.. that doesn't mean vegan diet is the best for it.. cats are Omnivores for a reason.. nature..
Cats.... Aren't.... Omnivores...
Please don't feed your cats a vegan diet, they literally require meat. it is the only thing their bowels are designed to digest
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
@keepsake When you AsSUmE that a girl playing as a knight is crossing a gendered line, you reinforce the idea that knights are only men, and that's harmful. #mildlysarcasticmildlyserious
@shepard530 Exactly. We need to look at gender with more fluidity instead of wanting to sort our children in categories, be it transgender or cis-gender.
Could not agree more. For some reason, when I was very young, I began to hate being a girl and constantly wanted to be a boy. I even wanted surgery but after two years, I sort of snapped out of it. It was the weirdest period of my life.
I don’t know if I believe the whole “snapped out of it” part of guest’s comment, but the comment does raise an important point. There are indeed children out there who are transgender (adults who are transgender were children once, so many must have felt “different” as children). Humans who believe they might be trans and who want surgery are required to undergo therapy (I’m unsure about the length of time, but I believe it’s minimum two years) to determine if the person is truly trans or experiencing something else. I know that there are children who are trans because I have taught some, and guess what? From kindergarten through grade 6, their beliefs about their identity did not change, suggesting that they’re not going through a “phase.”
Calling your child "transgender" because of that? That's pretty ridiculous. Stating that you want to help minimize the social violence exerted by gender constructs and ambient misogyny, and that the first step in this direction is letting your child do what-the-fuck-ever s-he wants? Yes, by all means.
You should let your kids have freedom to grow naturally, let they wear the colours they like and play with the toys (the good ones not weird fake knives shit)
Kids don't know any better (they think dobut they don't, 30 years old me probably think me now, 21 years old, doesn't know shit) and as adults, it's our duty to help them figure it out through suitable, healthy ways.
I let my 9 years old brother try on dresses when he was like 3 and he loved it. That doesn't make him a trans, he just likes how comfortable it is. And then people laughed and he didn't like it so much anymore
There are two genders and if ur transgender then your transissuing from one to the other.
A very effeminate boy is still a boy. That douen't change until you change it physically.
Curiousity of a kid does not allow you to permit a physical treatment..
Every kid often behaves like a dog or a cat for some days.. that does not mean you help them change that notion..
Even in the OP example.. If the cat is actually having an issue with meat, the vet will suggest a vegan diet for sometime.. that doesn't mean vegan diet is the best for it.. cats are Omnivores for a reason.. nature..
Please don't feed your cats a vegan diet, they literally require meat. it is the only thing their bowels are designed to digest