[Paraphrasing] Bill Cosby said men should stop beating their wives. Hitler said the children were the key, both to rallying countries, holding countries and their people in thrall, and to the future.
The person speaking the words does not have to be a good human being to make the words real and relevant. Agreeing that there is some wisdom in what's being said, in the context we DO have, does not mean you endorse the person saying the words.
It means you've figured out not all your enemies in life will have nothing but cartoonish, villainous monologues to spew.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
Hitler was an incredible speaker... but speaking as a Jew whose family tree was cut in half during WW2, him being a great speaker and people listening to the eloquence of the German socialist party at the time wasnt what I would say is wisdom I would consider in ANY form.
I'm not trying to get into whether what Hitler did was right, because it wasn't. That was not the point of my statement at all. I'm not going to get into that whole thing (sorry if you were looking to). None of that changes the fact that children are important, the key to the future, and just because it was Hitler who said those words doesn't make the words less true.
Just because Bill Cosby said "don't beat your wives" doesn't automatically invalidate that argument. He turned out to be a rapist. That doesn't mean people should start beating their wives.
You don't have to like a person, who they are, what they've done, to see that, sometimes, what they're saying makes sense. Or maybe some people do
· 6 years ago
My comment wasnt directed at you xvarnah it was directed at knockdown209.
My bad, then. I just assumed since I mentioned him by name and knockdown hadn't that you were responding me
· 6 years ago
Oh, so crazy, bad people have said things that make sense and are inspirational? We don't exactly have a lack of good, sane people saying truthful, inspirational stuff. A bad person with a good argument doesn't invalidate the argument, but kinda taints the one quoting that bad person, when s/he could have quoted a better person instead.
I don't recall Hitler bringing up dogs. The point wasn't even about whether there were better people to quote. The point was having someone evil say something good does not invalidate the wisdom behind their words.
Additionally, Sometimes what "better" people say doesn't even get the point across as well. Ghandi could get up and say "school is screwed, corrupt fuckers be ruining shit for kids." Same message at its core, but hardly gets the point across even a fraction as well.
If you can't learn from your enemies/people you dislike, or listen to their words, you are bound to fall prey to them again and again.
Dickhead what i mean by nailing it is that he spoke the exact words that i meant to say
· 6 years ago
Oh, so you also meant to say that if Ghandi said something stupid and Hitler said something more eloquent than that, then... what exactly? I think "irrelevant platitude" does nail it indeed.
And let's not even start with how dumb the original quote is anyway... there's enough rich graduates and poor criminals for reasonable doubt.
You should listen to what they say fuckstick, just because a bad person says it, doesnt make it automatically bad and just because a good person said it doesnt mean its good. The original quote is talking about the role models the youth have today
· 6 years ago
An irrelevant platitude doesn't become a relevant ocean of wisdom by repeating it like a broken record. But hey... who's next telling me that just because a bald man says something hairy it doesn't mean a nude man needs his hair cut or whatever it is y'all trying to bore me to death with?
And yet all the arguments against what I said were nothing more than repetitions of the same arguments in and of themselves. Kind of like every comment you've made thus far, but less antagonistic.
Also I never said if ghandi said something stupid. I said if he worded it poorly, there is almost no point in repeating it because people will not appreciate it. You yourself are not personally obligated to find wisdom in the words of others, no matter their moral standpoint, if it irritates you so. It is, after all, a free country-- at least I assume so based on the comments you've made thus far.
If you are bored then I will point out that there are a myriad other posts on this website that have been added in the last several others alone, and I guarantee your presence would be appreciated more there. Your negativity during a civil discussion, not so much. :)
· 6 years ago
And in acknowledgement of your efforts defending a point nobody was actually attacking: https://bit.ly/2wsJY8f -. you've earned it!
I see you decided that the conversation is not so far beneath you after all, and yet you still fail to pay attention to any of it with astounding resiliency.
I never claimed to be attacked, you said the comments were repetitive, and I agreed with you. And you went on to prove the point again. Given you have nothing to actually add to the conversation, though, it seems pointless for you to be here. If that is what gets your rocks off in life, however, to each their own. I'm not here to kinkshame, just have a discussion. If you ever feel ready to do that again in any kind of coherent matter please feel free to let me know
Because education is not the key to success. I can't speak for this guy's country but in America the education system teaches you nothing important and you can get a good paying job right out of high school if you're willing to look.
This picture is a meme I've seen so many quotes written on it in different places that's y am doubting and education isn't the key to success in any country, it helps but it's not the key
The person speaking the words does not have to be a good human being to make the words real and relevant. Agreeing that there is some wisdom in what's being said, in the context we DO have, does not mean you endorse the person saying the words.
It means you've figured out not all your enemies in life will have nothing but cartoonish, villainous monologues to spew.
Just because Bill Cosby said "don't beat your wives" doesn't automatically invalidate that argument. He turned out to be a rapist. That doesn't mean people should start beating their wives.
You don't have to like a person, who they are, what they've done, to see that, sometimes, what they're saying makes sense. Or maybe some people do
Additionally, Sometimes what "better" people say doesn't even get the point across as well. Ghandi could get up and say "school is screwed, corrupt fuckers be ruining shit for kids." Same message at its core, but hardly gets the point across even a fraction as well.
If you can't learn from your enemies/people you dislike, or listen to their words, you are bound to fall prey to them again and again.
And let's not even start with how dumb the original quote is anyway... there's enough rich graduates and poor criminals for reasonable doubt.
Also I never said if ghandi said something stupid. I said if he worded it poorly, there is almost no point in repeating it because people will not appreciate it. You yourself are not personally obligated to find wisdom in the words of others, no matter their moral standpoint, if it irritates you so. It is, after all, a free country-- at least I assume so based on the comments you've made thus far.
If you are bored then I will point out that there are a myriad other posts on this website that have been added in the last several others alone, and I guarantee your presence would be appreciated more there. Your negativity during a civil discussion, not so much. :)
I never claimed to be attacked, you said the comments were repetitive, and I agreed with you. And you went on to prove the point again. Given you have nothing to actually add to the conversation, though, it seems pointless for you to be here. If that is what gets your rocks off in life, however, to each their own. I'm not here to kinkshame, just have a discussion. If you ever feel ready to do that again in any kind of coherent matter please feel free to let me know