You just don't remember that you did. My ex would stumble into the bedroom and excuse herself to the restroom. 10 minutes later an entirely different woman would come out . Granted the new woman wanted sex and I didn't ask what she did with the other one So I complied and at some point in the middle of the night they met up and became one..
I'm so obsessive about my nightly routine that even when I'm drunk I still have to do it. The only difference is that I'm extremely loud and either giggling whilst I'm doing it, or getting angry if someone is trying to stop me from doing it. So like, putting all of the things in my room in their exact places is just slightly more interesting when I've had something to drink - wiping my make-up off is the easiest thing I have to do when I get back!
i've been drunk enough to skip a shower, sleep in the same clothes i came home in and even eat whatever came on hand, sitting on the kitchen floor like a maniac. i've never ever skipped removing makeup or brushing my teeth. i've only got one face and it aint gonna last forever, best not test it too much. :D