You’re missing the point of life, responsibility will give you peace and contentment. In generations past they couldn’t wait to grow up, now every other kid is a brony, a tranny, or arrested development.
Make room for this one person who, in one sentence, is explaining you the point of life, nothing less. Now who is that? God himself? Aristotle? Noooo, it's the mighty Guest! And not only does guest posess a debatable and subjective knowledge, they also throw in 2 lines that barely make sense -especially not with the first one- in which they prove their great open-mindedness.
The question remains though: has guest failed their life according to their own standards, or failed at darwinism and already reproduced?
@purplepumpkin so because you were able to create an account on this site, which doesn't even require a real email address, you're suddenly superior to the guest? hmm...
Then criticize; prove that shouldering responsibility and being a reliable member of your immediate family, community and species doesn’t equate to a sense of peace. When you’re young the ‘pursuit of happiness’ is all encompassing, as a side note what most people refer to as happiness is just distraction from their discontent, but happiness is one of many emotions. Learning to function while happy, sad, angry, afraid is called maturity. But just functioning as a mature adult doesn’t satisfy our innate need to be indispensable to our social set. I had an account, I just post as a guest lately.
All I'm saying is that no one can pretend to hold the meaning of life. I'm also able to function through the whole spectrum of my emotions, if this is relevant. Now if you're saying what you formerly identified as "point of life" has become in your last comment only a "sense of peace", then I'm 100% on board with you. Whether that sense of peace is or isn't the point of life and can or cannot be obtained in a different way than raising kids is another point, still up to debate.
Professional Uncle, No Kids
The question remains though: has guest failed their life according to their own standards, or failed at darwinism and already reproduced?