Never stand in the way of a running fat person. Their speed decreases at a slower rate than they gain mass causing the force of impact to increase drastically. I recommend moving to the side as their increased weight will make them less capable of making sharp turns due to the extra energy needed to do so.
Depends on the stomach\ rise and fall effect. The rise of stomach and butt simultaneously causes a piston like effect resulting in accelerating speed. The rise and fall at different speeds has a lot of factors and can be unpredictable.
· 6 years ago
I can HAUL ASS when I want to, it's just that I don't want to most of the time.
I once had a cat that was born the runt of the litter but SOME HOW ballooned to this HUGE FAT BALL. It wasn't over feeding she had health issues that made her that way. See all our others cats ate the same amount of food yet were the right size for cats.
Any who...
So we named it Fat Cat lol she could out run EVERY SINGLE SKINNY CAT WE HAD!!! No lie she out run large dogs even. Now that being said... Stopping was a whole different thing lmao she had trouble hitting the brakes. She would skid to a stop get up and keep going lol. Also turning corners was hard as well lmao.
Any who...
So we named it Fat Cat lol she could out run EVERY SINGLE SKINNY CAT WE HAD!!! No lie she out run large dogs even. Now that being said... Stopping was a whole different thing lmao she had trouble hitting the brakes. She would skid to a stop get up and keep going lol. Also turning corners was hard as well lmao.