I asked out one of my exchange students but she said no. So I'm gonna help her out with the guy she likes. Maybe it'll help me out sometime down the line.
This is a mature, forward-thinking move, grim. Nice one! It's hard to not get hung up on someone you like but I'm glad you recognize it's best for both of you if you don't.
The best thing about being on good terms with her is that she's probably going to attract female friends with similar personalities/looks. If she is endorsing you as an amazing person and you keep yourself out there, you're going to get lots more dating practice.
· 6 years ago
I know what it's like to get hung up on someone, I was hung up on a girl for over a year and a half up until recently.
I'm very odd. Some people get mildly interested at first, but then they learn more and more about me, so they realizing that I am a disaster and that completely turns them away with wide eyes and a scarred mind leaving me to ponder on the uselessness of my existence.
The best thing about being on good terms with her is that she's probably going to attract female friends with similar personalities/looks. If she is endorsing you as an amazing person and you keep yourself out there, you're going to get lots more dating practice.
I mean, same