Woman's wrestling in Japan is fucking intense. Japan is noted for having "Strong Style", a stiff, hard hitting type of wrestling that emphasises real, quick strikes to enhance the scripted nature of pro wrestling. The woman take it to an extreme, and it always looks gnarly because they are usually smaller and more flexible than the men.
Well this is the first time I’ve seen it, an that was AWESOME!! You are not joking they look like they were trying to actually kill each other. I wouldn’t want to mess with any of them.
That’s what I was talkin about. When I said they tryin to kill each other. I don’t know if they go over their moves before each show. Cause FUCK that shit had to hurt. An like you said could kill if it was hit in the right/wrong area.
I hate having to spell out shit. I'm dyslexic and bad a spelling and it always takes a long time to get close enough to the actual spelling that auto correct grabs it. Tube is my go to for basically anything that moves shit around in the body IE air tube, food tube, blood tube because its not technically wrong.
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