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· 5 years ago
I want lemonade, but $3 isn't gonna get you shit in this economy
· 5 years ago
This reminds me of my dad. He doesn't seem to understand that money has changed over his fiftyyears of life. Back then, fifty dollars today was only around 10 dollars. He measures everything's value by when he was a kid, so everything today is ridiculously expensive.
· 5 years ago
Don’t confuse want and need. There are people who the most valuable thing they an offer another person is money, because that’s all they have to give as a person. There are people who don’t love people but what people can do for them. Chances are you do t want that life or you wouldn’t be worried about it. Sure they want things, don’t you? Computers, TV, games, car, a nice jacket maybe? Wanting it isn’t the same as demanding it, and it sure isn’t the same as requiring someone else to get it for you. So start with a lemonade (Starbucks, jambajuice, etc in modern speak,) and a conversation while you drink together. Get to know what they have to offer as a person and let them see what you have to offer as a person. Chances are that while they wouldn’t turn down a free bag, and type of person you’d want to date doesn’t expect you to buy it for them. It’s 2018, she can buy her own bag, bring something to the table she can’t buy herself, be kind and attentive and invested. make her feel good
· 5 years ago
"So start with a lemonade (Starbucks, jambajuice, etc in modern speak:. $2.00 at Jamba or Starbucks will get you NOTHING....
· 5 years ago
Well, not NOTHING, but yes. $3 won’t get you much at many drink places. But again, you might have to modernize it a bit. Us old folks are guilty of that. I still instinctively think that $5 is enough for a full meal at any fast food place in the land when it’s actually more like $10, and I’m still used to a soda being between $.75-1.00. So maybe keep $10 for a drink....
· 5 years ago
A soda at a fast food place is about$2.50 depending on franchise and location.