I mean... when do you ever write this (by hand) as punctuation ? Only time I use these is when I'm coding (so obviously not handwritten), or when I did math problems, for like ensembles, and big ass ones to group together sets of equations. So they weren't punctuation as much as they were symbols.
Yeah for punctuation just use "parenthesis" as people call them. Dunno why you'd be using these fancy ones...
Just draw an S, then copy it backwards underneath. Best way to do this is draw the S part fast, then take a short pause in the middle of the bracket, then do the rest of it.
Those symbols are punctuation in programming languages, like the beginning and end of a statement block. Think of the closing brace as the full stop of a sentence. Compare this to languages like Visual Basic where everything is just words (BEGIN and END instead of { and }) which IMO is much slower and harder to read.
Just draw an S, then copy it backwards underneath. Best way to do this is draw the S part fast, then take a short pause in the middle of the bracket, then do the rest of it.