Dragons are fucking real man. Im 100% convinced. While looking through ancient museums and seeing all real animals everywhere... And DRAGONS. No other "mythical" creatures. Im convinced. Non vaccine people are stupid but i believe in dragons
They may be. But they mustve existed at the time of humans. Theres no way a bunch of different cultures just "created" this creature and it all looks similar and contain the same description.i dont buy that.
A bunch of cultures made bows. All using the same principle but slightly different because of where they were and how their culture grew. A bunch of cultures created swords. All using the same principles but slightly different because of where they were and how their culture grew. I don't see how the idea of a dragon being created by a bunch of cultures all using the same principles but slightly different because of where they were and how their culture grew would work any different.
Bows and swords and such are logical things they kind of needed to an extent. Theres no reason to make up an animal lile that. And animals are so complex of creatures. And one of my main points is its not ever like by itself or with any other mythical creature. Its all real creatures, then a Dragon.
from the view of a person without understanding of the science of animals or the science of swords and bows animals are very simple. Arguably more simple than swords and bows.
Rudimentary bows and swords are made of sharp metal and wood, and sticks and string. My point is for some reason a bunch of groups of people decided to stick specifically wings on specifically lizards and have them breathe fire. And continually craft and describe likeness of these creatures alongside real animals like dogs foxes rabbits etc.
People probably found the bones of dinosaurs and made up legends about them. I think that's how the legend of the cyclops came to be, ever see an elephant skull? Arrange them into a human-ish form and presto...cyclops skeleton.
breathing fire isnt a common theme. None of the dragons really look the same. Actually look up what the different dragons are described as looking like. The unicorn was described along side real animals. Same with the jackalope, the hypocampus, sirens, and the phoenix.
I mean... There kinda is stuff to say dinosaurs can't breathe fire. They don't appear to have the organs, they are made of a heavily flamable material (Feathers), and it would also violate the laws of physics to have something like that being able to breathe fire without all of our understanding of biology being completely wrong.
Also, @gracierose, there are no dragons, unfortunately. We have found no fossils of dragons which would be very abundant. There are indeed myths of dragons all around the world, but those are easily explained. First off is that the dragons described are completely different. Eastern Dragons typically are wingless without legs while Western Dragons are both winged and legged with the added bonus of breathing fire. Every dragon from different cultures is described differently. They aren't talking about the same creature. As for why they would have an idea on these creatures anyways... Because we've been finding dinosaurs for thousands of years. We find giant bones that are bigger than your entire body, and then they decide to make stories to explain it. Another example is the whale whose skeleton looks remarkably like a dragon's. Here is a video from an expert on a presentation of hypothetical dragon evolution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjJLLvfeYi8
But they could fly though which is dope