There was this girl in my year level who straightened her hair everyday, no one knew she had curly hair until she was too tired to straighten it and went to school with it curly and got so many compliments about how beautiful it was. When I said it looked gorgeous and I never knew she had such lovely curly hair, she was genuinely surprised. For the rest of that year (it was our final year) she left it natural.
· 6 years ago
That was me too recently. Curly hair is a lot of work and I just didn't want a part of it at the moment. That's why I got my hair cut last Friday.
Try experimenting with a few methods and you can emphasize curls. Different things work for everyone, and it took me probably a year to really find smth that worked. But if you encourage your curls you could find a nice style.
I don't really know how curly my hair would be if it were shorter, but since it's long it tends to be more poofy and wavy, so I usually flatiron it to either straighten it, or just refine the wave so it looks a bit curlier/sleeker.
I did try paper towel curls on the odd occasion, and learned that, if I use thin ones and a lot of them I am apparently fully capable of producing a bob ross-esque afro. Which would be nice if I were Bob Ross and wanted an afro. As it was I looked more ridiculous than anything, but it was amusing nonethelesss
I had my hair permanently straightened, now I'm waiting for it to grow so that I can have curls again. Then when I've had enough of my curls I'll straighten them again. It's a vicious cycle.
People with straight hair -> curl their hair
We all want what we don't have
I did try paper towel curls on the odd occasion, and learned that, if I use thin ones and a lot of them I am apparently fully capable of producing a bob ross-esque afro. Which would be nice if I were Bob Ross and wanted an afro. As it was I looked more ridiculous than anything, but it was amusing nonethelesss