All of my presents from everyone got sent to santa and then he delivered them to me. Maybe my mum had to think of something because I kept finding the presents but I definitely never had any that were from santa
A little history. America entered the Second World War amd was subject to Japanese bombing. Immediately after we entered the Cold War, and have basically been at war ever since. Because of this America has heightened air security and monitoring. On top of that, documents from Sac NORAD and other military sources show instances where Santa was spotted on our defense grid. Several times, before they realized it was Santa, it almost caused WW3 when counted measures were almost deployed. In a direct effort with the United States President, who makes joint communications with the defense department, certain flight paths are cleared for Santa use prior to the holiday. However this doesn’t allow Santa total access to all homes. So certain homes are contacted in advance by DOD and made aware that Santa will not be in their area and advised on their child’s naughty or nice status. They may then purchase a gift which DOD refunds them through their taxes and Santa takes care of the debt by...
... assisting in humanitarian transport ops during his off season. That is likely why you are unaware of this- because most other countries either do not monitor their airspace as closely, or have similar deals worked out with Santa. It’s all very hush hush because Legally Santa cannot operate in our airspace on presidential authority alone. The president needs congressional approval, but when they tried in 1943 to get it passed, partisan politics got in the way and people kept trying to tack their own bills to it to push them through. So key world leaders, even enemies, got together at a conference that they couldn’t admit to without looking weak- and agreed on the plan, and to do it all off the books. It took awhile to set up which is why many kids in the 1940’s didn’t get any presents from Santa at all. So sometimes Santa might bring the gifts, but when someone finds a gift in the closet they later open, and it says “from Santa” it is because that year Santa didn’t have clearance...
... for their area, but it rotates so he should be back, and in the interim the government and your parents are acting with his authorization as officially deputized elves. Ask an adult and most will deny it or pretend not to know. They may even say there isn’t a Santa! That is because since the whole operation is black bag, it is technically a high crime to participate in operation joy drop. If they were to confess, your parents would face serious jail time or punishment, and those who would want to see the program destroyed may question them and find out how contact is made- follow the chain of command all the way and blow the whole operation open. All agents are disovowed if caught. Those are the rules. I’ve already said too much....
Tbh I never really thought about this and it's a good point, although usually my friends got my expensive things from Santa anyway, but I never really thought about it because I usually got something I enjoyed/wanted. Still, I know there's kids that were worse off than me who didn't get anything near what I did and they must have felt horrible about it.
We told our daughter that Santa has to pay for alot of material to make all sorts of toys and if we ask Santa for cheaper things it give other kids chances to get a toy as well. The kids who get really expensive gifts get those from thier parents but the parents say it is from santa. So each year she would ask for stuff and she always included cheap stuff on her list plus a few big things she knows she won't get all them but she hopes for at least one. So in turn we always put a toy or two for toys for tots in her name.
Sadly this year she admitted she knows santa isn't real. So I told her what my Dad told me. Santa is not a person in the North Pole but a childhood friend who will live in her heart and make sure each year she remembers what Christmas is about. Love and kindness.
Maybe we should just kill off the outdated idea of Santa Claus. I was the youngest of 4 and never believed in it - ever. No one even tried to sell me on the idea. It's so odd.
To be honest, this isn’t fair.
I get where she’s coming from, and honestly, overall I agree. I do think the idea of fatman in a sleigh delivering gifts doesn’t really make sense, and I’ve thought that since I was 6... but at the same time, IF you want to perpetuate that, why should one kid miss out just because another kid has to?
It’s sad, but coming from a poor family, I feel credible in saying that maybe one kids parents just worked harder. Shouldn’t their kids have nice things, brought by the magical fantasy we make Christmas out to be?
I was always jealous when my Jewish friends had their Bar Mitzvahs, but just because I couldn’t have one, is it fair to ask that they stop having theirs?
I get the logic. I appreciate how it looks out for everyone. I don’t agree with the sentiment though. Let people choose.
My parents never tried to fool me into believing santa was real. They told me straight from the start: He doesn't exist. We buy the gifts so don't be greedy.
You're good? Okay
You're bad? You get your ass beaten
As children are supposed to be good
Sadly this year she admitted she knows santa isn't real. So I told her what my Dad told me. Santa is not a person in the North Pole but a childhood friend who will live in her heart and make sure each year she remembers what Christmas is about. Love and kindness.
I get where she’s coming from, and honestly, overall I agree. I do think the idea of fatman in a sleigh delivering gifts doesn’t really make sense, and I’ve thought that since I was 6... but at the same time, IF you want to perpetuate that, why should one kid miss out just because another kid has to?
It’s sad, but coming from a poor family, I feel credible in saying that maybe one kids parents just worked harder. Shouldn’t their kids have nice things, brought by the magical fantasy we make Christmas out to be?
I was always jealous when my Jewish friends had their Bar Mitzvahs, but just because I couldn’t have one, is it fair to ask that they stop having theirs?
I get the logic. I appreciate how it looks out for everyone. I don’t agree with the sentiment though. Let people choose.