No seriously, do not pull your tits out in a restaurant. I'm sorry, and this may be the most unpopular opinion. I do not care that this entire era is trying to say how normalized breastfeeding is. Yes, it obviously is a normal function, however so is mating/sex but that's now allowed in public. Please keep your tits for home. Please, I mean congrats on trying to "make a movement, women empowerment" whatever, but come on. Nobody needs to see that. Congrats on breastfeeding your baby, literally almost everyone does it and you dont need to prove anything.
She’s feeding her child. Would you rather have a screaming baby or the side of a boob? Also, and I can’t believe I have to say this, but breastfeeding is not the same as sex!! If we condemn all bodily functions on such arbitrary grounds, then I suppose we should ban public coughing and sneezing as well? And don’t even pretend this isn’t because you’re uncomfortable seeing boobs outside of a sexual context, in the environment they’re literally created for. Pathetic.
There's other ways to feed your kid without having to pull out a boob tho? Pump before you go out? Formula? Find a more private area? Some people are uncomfortable with it, who cares why? It's just straight up uncomfortable for many people so whats the point of shoving your world view on them when there's plenty of other options?
You realize also that you have plenty of options as well? You can look away. You can excuse yourself to the rest room. You can leave. All viable options that you are expecting of a stranger because you're uncomfortable. Pumping breast milk can be uncomfortable-- and a lot of it has to be heated up if it's pumped beforehand or has been stored. It also now requires they haul any necessary equipment around with them. Hauling a baby to the bathroom is a lot of work and uncomfortable, not to mention you're now feeding the baby in a room that people are using to defecate in.
You may want women to be required to feed their babies in this matter, but at the end of the day some people are uncomfortable doing so. So what's the point of shoving your world view on them when there's plenty of other options?
Use the little blanket you use for keeping the baby warm.... it's what I'd do if I have a baby... I don't expose myself day to day in normal clothing... I wouldn't expose myself in this instance either
Eh, idk about this. Breastfeeding in public is completely fine and should not be vilified- but this lady literally has her boob out- and that’s a little fucked. I LOVE boobs, so thank you, but there are children around, and there are more subtle ways of doing this
i'm super pro-mom, pro-baby all of that, but this is unnecessary and i think she did it for the picture. it still is your body. bodies are not supposed to be for everyone to see. it's yours. breastfeed; just use a cover. there's no reason for this. there's no reason for ANY cleavage in public, especially not for attention/trying to be sexual. but for breastfeeding, fine of course, but be normal about it. they make covers because most women don't want to show their boobs to everyone. it helps the baby too.
I've seen people breastfeeding in public but never that way
They usually lift half of their shirt up just enough to feed the baby, not letting the whole tit out
This is not a very accurate example
But men go take a piss in the bathroom where is literally designed for that, but do you see them just pull the whole pants off and be butt naked? No! They just unzip/unbutton the or pants.
And who the fuck out shoes on the eating table!? wtf
She didn't take off her entire shirt. She literally removed one breast to allow the baby to feed. Just as men pull their penis out enough to allow themselves to pee without urinating all over their pants o.O
Part of me wanted to reply "and yet you're here anyway." But not actually directed at you (i don't think you're a tit), or anyone really, just because the comeback part of my brain instantly offered it up and it amused me.
Anyway, it's not like her nipple is even exposed for any length of time-- it is literally being covered by the baby's mouth. You can easily see this much cleavage walking by any lingerie, Calvin Klein, guess, etc etc etc ads-- and those are just ones inside a mall, not including people walking around. Not to mention completely shirtless men. She didn't stand up and wave her arms around going "HEY PEOPLE! IM GONNA TAKE MY TIT OUT NOW! PAY ATTENTION!" She literally took out as much breast as was comfortable for her (a lot of women suffer discomfort in their breasts during and after birth) and was required to do the job.
This may be the best position for her personally to help with flow, also-- another thing a lot of women struggle with.
But even if it isn't, what does it matter? You're not required to look at her. She's not behaving in an indecent manner-- she's feeding her baby. :s
I genuinely don't understand why everyone feels obligated to stare when someone is breast feeding. It catches my attention for all of 5 seconds when it happens and then I move on with life. If people are this squeamish about seeing breasts in a non-sexualized manner then I don't understand either:
A) why they haven't taken up pitchforks and torches outside of victioras secret, Hooters, Carl's Jr (the latter are both places that serve food fyi), and all the rest
B) why they ARE so much more comfortable only seeing breasts as being used to enhance sexuality
Reply whatever, I'm not bothered
Her nipple will certainly be out, do you think the baby's mouth gonna be on her tit til she gets in the car and leave for home? Or when she lifted her shirt up, was the mouth cover it already?
It's not about sexual, it's the decency
Butthole is not sexual, should we start showing our ass in public now?
I'm not required to look at her, yet the picture is here
You're not required to reply yet you do
We are not forced to do anything
Neither was she but she did it anyways
For the picture probably
Well it really wasn't about you at all.
Are you trying to imply to me that you think this woman took her nipple out the second she left home and has had it out the entire time she's been out, and will continue to do so after the baby is finished? Because that's ridiculous. She's obviously going to put her breast away as soon as she's done.
And comparing a nipple, producing food for a baby, to an exposed asshole-- which is insanely close to the genitals, more often associated with sex than not, and produces FECAL matter, is not even a relevant comparison. Any more than comparing breast milk to nail fungus. They aren't even in the same category other than human bodies can produce them. Additionally, a lot of people show the majority of their asses in public already anyway.
The rest of what you said has no actual bearing on the conversation because you are the one who had the requirement to begin with. Your proposed requirement is that women should not expose their breasts even to feed their infants because it makes you personally uncomfortable. But since she is not actively doing something to get attention or otherwise causing a disturbance, IS still covered by the baby's head and mouth (her nipple will be exposed for a bare minimum of time), is not adding anything toxic to the environment, IS providing a necessary of life to her child, and YOU are a fully functional human being capable of averting your gaze, the onus falls on you to alter your behaviour if possible before demanding someone else do so. Otherwise this is simply an exercise in hypocrisy
For the record-- a more reasonable comparison for breastfeeding in public than exposed assholes would have been diabetics using insulin at the table. But then again, a lot of people have problems with that, too.
Did you even think before you type?
No one says she isn't allowed to feed her child, most of the time when people don't approve breastfeeding is when the women obviously expose her tits more than necessary
I have boobs myself, I'm not uncomfortable seeing breast
But as a human with the most average decency, I'd rather not see unnecessary tit hanging out.
She could easily feed her child in so any other way without letting the whole tits out but she did anyways.
An asshole is close to the genital but it's NOT the genital.
I was saying just bc it's not sexual, doesn't mean you should show it without feeling anything in public
People wear inappropriate clothes that show way too much skin bc they don't have standards and manner
Some people even run butt naked to the street, are you going to use that as a point too?
Wow you went for 0-60 for absolutely no reason. I'm sorry if the point I made was too complicated my dear.
She doesn't have both her hits hanging out, she has one out, and it's not "hanging." She's not bouncing around or wandering about with it.
At this point youve demonstrated a complete lack of comprehension of the human body, breast feeding, and civilized conversation in general. Seeing as you are so unfailingly set in your opinion and intent on exaggerating the points beyond the scope of reality (subtly removing one single breast from a shirt and immediately covering it with something else is apparently the same as bending over in the middle of a restaurant and shoving your asshole in peoples' faces in your world, holy fuck what??)
You have ignored almost every point I made and chosen to address only those that furthered your own argument. (The ass, for one, being literally used for sex regularly, as well as producing fecal matter apparently are irrelevant to you).
Not to mention diabetic needles, which is also a life-sustaining function.
As a point that won't be interesting to people who just want to scream about how disgusting her behaviour is-- some women can't pump breast milk. So "alternative methods" of breast feeding don't always work. I also wonder what the perspective would be if she were disabled. Would her breast be less offensive to all the "decent" people of the world then? We may never know.
I'm dreadfully sorry your own "standards" keep your mind so hopelessly narrow my dear, but I see no point in continuing in this vein if you're going to spout nothing but illogical comparisons, rage, and ignore any points made. Nothing productive will come of it. Which is a shame.
I hope you have a good day nevertheless :)
Agree to disagree
Long story short, you go on letting your tits out for whatever reason you have as excuses
Imma keep my private business as private as possible bc it's not that hard to put effort in such simple things
Btw, this is just me getting bored of your SJW talk
*checks username*
(Warning: last photo contains nipples)
You may want women to be required to feed their babies in this matter, but at the end of the day some people are uncomfortable doing so. So what's the point of shoving your world view on them when there's plenty of other options?
Because they literally would never see a boob anywhere else in public.
I literally don't understand why, one of the very few opportunities children have to see breasts in a non-sexualized manner, everyone freaks out and says "we must protect the kids!"
They usually lift half of their shirt up just enough to feed the baby, not letting the whole tit out
This is not a very accurate example
But men go take a piss in the bathroom where is literally designed for that, but do you see them just pull the whole pants off and be butt naked? No! They just unzip/unbutton the or pants.
And who the fuck out shoes on the eating table!? wtf
Anyway, it's not like her nipple is even exposed for any length of time-- it is literally being covered by the baby's mouth. You can easily see this much cleavage walking by any lingerie, Calvin Klein, guess, etc etc etc ads-- and those are just ones inside a mall, not including people walking around. Not to mention completely shirtless men. She didn't stand up and wave her arms around going "HEY PEOPLE! IM GONNA TAKE MY TIT OUT NOW! PAY ATTENTION!" She literally took out as much breast as was comfortable for her (a lot of women suffer discomfort in their breasts during and after birth) and was required to do the job.
But even if it isn't, what does it matter? You're not required to look at her. She's not behaving in an indecent manner-- she's feeding her baby. :s
I genuinely don't understand why everyone feels obligated to stare when someone is breast feeding. It catches my attention for all of 5 seconds when it happens and then I move on with life. If people are this squeamish about seeing breasts in a non-sexualized manner then I don't understand either:
A) why they haven't taken up pitchforks and torches outside of victioras secret, Hooters, Carl's Jr (the latter are both places that serve food fyi), and all the rest
B) why they ARE so much more comfortable only seeing breasts as being used to enhance sexuality
Her nipple will certainly be out, do you think the baby's mouth gonna be on her tit til she gets in the car and leave for home? Or when she lifted her shirt up, was the mouth cover it already?
It's not about sexual, it's the decency
Butthole is not sexual, should we start showing our ass in public now?
I'm not required to look at her, yet the picture is here
You're not required to reply yet you do
We are not forced to do anything
Neither was she but she did it anyways
For the picture probably
Are you trying to imply to me that you think this woman took her nipple out the second she left home and has had it out the entire time she's been out, and will continue to do so after the baby is finished? Because that's ridiculous. She's obviously going to put her breast away as soon as she's done.
And comparing a nipple, producing food for a baby, to an exposed asshole-- which is insanely close to the genitals, more often associated with sex than not, and produces FECAL matter, is not even a relevant comparison. Any more than comparing breast milk to nail fungus. They aren't even in the same category other than human bodies can produce them. Additionally, a lot of people show the majority of their asses in public already anyway.
No one says she isn't allowed to feed her child, most of the time when people don't approve breastfeeding is when the women obviously expose her tits more than necessary
I have boobs myself, I'm not uncomfortable seeing breast
But as a human with the most average decency, I'd rather not see unnecessary tit hanging out.
She could easily feed her child in so any other way without letting the whole tits out but she did anyways.
An asshole is close to the genital but it's NOT the genital.
I was saying just bc it's not sexual, doesn't mean you should show it without feeling anything in public
People wear inappropriate clothes that show way too much skin bc they don't have standards and manner
Some people even run butt naked to the street, are you going to use that as a point too?
She doesn't have both her hits hanging out, she has one out, and it's not "hanging." She's not bouncing around or wandering about with it.
At this point youve demonstrated a complete lack of comprehension of the human body, breast feeding, and civilized conversation in general. Seeing as you are so unfailingly set in your opinion and intent on exaggerating the points beyond the scope of reality (subtly removing one single breast from a shirt and immediately covering it with something else is apparently the same as bending over in the middle of a restaurant and shoving your asshole in peoples' faces in your world, holy fuck what??)
You have ignored almost every point I made and chosen to address only those that furthered your own argument. (The ass, for one, being literally used for sex regularly, as well as producing fecal matter apparently are irrelevant to you).
As a point that won't be interesting to people who just want to scream about how disgusting her behaviour is-- some women can't pump breast milk. So "alternative methods" of breast feeding don't always work. I also wonder what the perspective would be if she were disabled. Would her breast be less offensive to all the "decent" people of the world then? We may never know.
I'm dreadfully sorry your own "standards" keep your mind so hopelessly narrow my dear, but I see no point in continuing in this vein if you're going to spout nothing but illogical comparisons, rage, and ignore any points made. Nothing productive will come of it. Which is a shame.
I hope you have a good day nevertheless :)
Long story short, you go on letting your tits out for whatever reason you have as excuses
Imma keep my private business as private as possible bc it's not that hard to put effort in such simple things
Btw, this is just me getting bored of your SJW talk