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· 6 years ago
He definitely dodged a bullet if she thought that was cheating.
· 6 years ago
“Cheating” or behavior akin to it like “inappropriate in a relationship” is one of those things that doesn’t have a checklist- cheating is whatever you feel it is. Some couples won’t consider it cheating if their partner has sex with someone else, but will call it cheating if they were to sleep in the same bed after, or go on a date first. Some couples think it’s ok to make out with someone else while drunk- but no further, and not when sober. Others would say that cuddling on the couch with you <gender and sexuality you are attracted to or is attracted to you> Best friend or childhood friend or even being under a blanket together watching a movie is cheating. Some might call masturbation cheating even without porn- even to images of them. That’s that “communication” thing. Both partners should know and agree on what is or isn’t acceptable in that individual relationship. We can’t just assume others have the same values and ideas on things as us.
· 6 years ago
Your comments are always very insightful and give different points of view. I gotta admit I was thinking the girl was crazy before reading what you said. Thanks for that!
· 6 years ago
My pleasure. To be honest- I think her idea of cheating is a little extreme, and personally believe that masturbation and or pornography can be healthy and there is nothing inherently wrong with either. However- I do understand that not everyone feels as I do. So while for me in a relationship, if the other party wasn’t willing to compromise on those points, it would almost always be a deal breaker, I do know some people who are so strict as to follow the pence “Can’t be alone with the opposite sex” rule, and some who are in open or swinger relationships (they don’t attend many of the same social events.. lol.) Both are extreme to my tastes- but the people involved seem to be ok with it and that’s what counts on it in my book, so long as we aren’t talking about abuse etc.
· 6 years ago
I wouldn't describe it as cheating. But I do think its not great in a relationship
· 6 years ago
It depends If they had talked and agreed that it was deemed cheating or not.
· 6 years ago
TECHNICALLY, it's emotional cheating. However, all humans do it... So, who cares.
· 6 years ago
Actually only 40-60% of people regularly use porn. It's a high number, for sure, but not everyone does it.
· 6 years ago
Perhaps a Spurious correlation here... but... about 55% of the world has internet.... an odd coincidence to say the least.
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· 6 years ago
Sorry, forgot to clarify that its a US statistic.
· 6 years ago
Ah. Well in that case- it’s closer to 76%.
· 6 years ago
For men, it's less for women I believe, so it averages lower.