What would happen if you butt chugged morphine? Death? What if you diluted it?
· 6 years ago
You'd be high. If it was to much, you'd die. If you dilluted it you'd probably not die, but also wouldn't get as high.
What's the deal with american boys and their obsession for the anus?
I mean... just look at the bottle. I've never personally butt chugged anything.
· 6 years ago
If it is what I think it is (a one-dose injection phial) that bottle is super tiny and it's made of super thin glass. You want to keep that away from any delicate parts of your body, the anus being an especially delicate one.
A reportedly fun and way more safe way of butt ingesting a variety of drugs is self made suppositories. All the stoner/druggy forums got tutorials
What's the deal with american boys and their obsession for the anus?
A reportedly fun and way more safe way of butt ingesting a variety of drugs is self made suppositories. All the stoner/druggy forums got tutorials