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· 6 years ago
“Use this when you’re tingly”
· 6 years ago
Seems like legit newspage they qouted..
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
A banana, seriously?
· 6 years ago
I've mentioned this before but it's been proven that just giving people money in an attempt to end poverty doesn't work. The money only provides short term relief and almost without exception people end up exactly back in the same conditions. Only now you're both out of money. Instead, doing things to help teach people how to handle their finances and change their outlook on life as a whole have vastly better success. It all goes back to that old saying, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime".
· 6 years ago
This needs repeated. Lots. That is the nature of generational welfare. People take for granted and do not even realize all the small habits and boundaries and teachable moments that contribute to success in life. MOST people who are homeless or on welfare are people who suffered brief catastrophe and within an average of 12 moths pick themselves up. People who are on long term assistance more often lack skills, networks, and other tools to succeed. Those who lack the necessities to succeed themselves often can’t give that to a child. So teaching and elevating people so that they have the means to do better working than they could on welfare alone, helping them build savings and credit, skills for a career and not a job- and how to manage these things as well as the social aspects of networking- these are crucial to ending cycles of poverty. “I had nothing and I was able to...” yes. You were. It was hard. I’m sure. “So why should they get a free...” stop. You just said. You were...
· 6 years ago
.. able to break out on your own. You didn’t need the help but it would have been nice. The fact they haven’t means they aren’t like you. Pat yourself on the back for being stronger or more capable and not needing help. The fact you did it doesn’t mean they will, but if you want to return to poverty just so you can get free help to get back to where you already are... go ahead I guess? It doesn’t help you as an individual or society to leave the cycle unbroken, not to mention the human cost. It’s important we reasses not just our systems for dealing with such matters but the very way we think about them.