Hyundai sounds good now
6 years ago by spinnin · 1073 Likes · 17 comments · Popular
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· 6 years ago
The truth hurts
· 6 years ago
Having been to a few vegan dinner parties... I can say that for me they did in fact earn a place on a list of worst (first world) things ever.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
Found the vegan!
· 6 years ago
We found all of them!
· 6 years ago
The color is pretty. I have no clue what the hell its supposed to be, but hey, its a pretty purple.
· 6 years ago
If I remember correctly it’s “beetloaf”
· 6 years ago
Now, the baker in me knows beets are actually really good, if prepared right, in baked goods. But I also know that IS NOT what is happening here
· 6 years ago
Maybe vegans could laugh at themselves if their brittle bones didn't snap from sudden movements.
· 6 years ago
Why are their bones brittle?
· 6 years ago
No credible long term studies on the subject present conclusive evidence. However on the whole vegans measured in short term or billing studies have a lower average mineral density in their bones than meat eaters. A properly planned vegan diet can, at least in theory, supply the same level of beneficial nutrition as an omnivorous diet. However- properly planned is the key. We are talking about levels of research and discipline usually used by athletes and high level physical performers. A professional nutritionist and blood screenings and other tests would be needed by most to formulate a proper diet of this nature- so the common method is to either copy a diet that has worked for others or to count macro nutrients based on product labels. Also of note is that plant based proteins do not generally provide the amino acids required to use them, and humans lack them naturally. Plant protein is not as effective dose per dose in most cases as meat proteins-
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· 6 years ago
And most meat protein sources such as red meat provide the amino acids for break down, whereas plant sources must generally be supplemented with a secondary source of amino acids. There’s more complexity to how exactly plant vs meat nutrients are processed and all this minutia. However it’s fair to say that based on current short term studies there is a link between a vegan diet and low bone density- we cannot say that all vegans must have low bone density, but it is likely they do. Take it with a grain of salt though because vegan diets also tend to be lower in calories, certain types of fats, and vegans tend to have less heart and blood pressure problems than their meat eating peers.
· 6 years ago
TL:dr- vegans tend to have lower bone density due to the protein sources availible to them and quantities consumed. A vegan diet does not have to give lower bone mineral density- but a vegan diet that supplies the nutrition of an omnivorous diet is harder to achieve by default since one has limited their possible sources and combinations of nutrition. It is just harder to be vegan in general and takes will, dedication, research, vigilance, etc.
· 6 years ago
But isn't all that just kind of stupid? On the one hand what you said and on the other hand eating meat increases the risk of osteoporosis. I think whole-food plant based diet will not lead to brittle bones, while eating meat and fat is highly dangerous. But my main question is how is it fair to say vegans have brittle bones or low whatever, which are mostly debunked by science, while carnivorous diets lead to diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, various types of cancer, and early death but nobody bats an eye? LOL It is stupid
· 6 years ago
Well- to some extent we all get to choose how we die. If you love long enough- you will die of cancer. That’s a fact. But chances for most people who don’t die of cancer are that their heart might go, liver, they may die while riding a horse/bike/motorbike, rock climbing, etc. we know those things are more dangerous than not doing them as well- and all are optional activities. So you get to decide how you want to enjoy your time here on earth, and what risks you want to take on what it is that kills you. It also isn’t fair to say that eating meat WILL increase the risk of osteoporosis. It may. The link is still being studied and just like with veaganisn and osteoporosis- there are not sufficient long term controlled studies to show it is a fact. Science doesn’t debunk that vegans have brittle bones- it debunks that vegans MUST have brittle bones. It may or may not be stupid however- you can reduce your odds of dying in a car accident almost 100% by not being in a car. Are cars stupid?
· 6 years ago
I guess vegans aren't the only ones who can't recognize a joke.
· 6 years ago
LOL yeah
· 6 years ago
Good that they won't have the upper body strength to be violent.