That's my face while I was uploading this
6 years ago by guest · 426 Likes · 3 comments · Trending
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· 6 years ago
You’re entitled not to care about anything you want. However- regardless of wether one wants to see Opportunity as “alive” or not- it was an important scientific mission that was still providing one of our only sources of data from the surface of Mars, and an incredible fest of human engineering that it lasted as long as it did when it was only projected for a short term mission. Not caring about its shut down is like not caring that the Hubble or SETI shut down. We don’t have to care of Alien life we’re doscovered tomorrow- a great deal of people might consider one ignorant for not caring about such a thing of course. It’s unlikely that Opportunity was part of your daily life or really had much effect on it- but it was a symbolic and actual hope and aid for humanities future amd the future of technology and exploration. So to not care at all, to be even a little upset at the news that a historic mission may have ended might be seen as more ignorant than cool.
· 6 years ago
The picture of Captain Jack Sparrow running from the mob would be much more accurate.
· 6 years ago
Oppy had an expected lifespan of 90 ish days and lived for 15 years. Idk why we're sad, that shit was amazing.