I'm 99% sure that's how it started, but people are also retarded... so...
· 6 years ago
Unfortunately no. You live in the "old world". Here in North America they've discovered the realm of "advanced stupid" and they're hell bent on exploring its limitless bounds. They elected an oompla lumpa president, and now gay black dudes are paying people to beat them up to advance their careers. We also have purple haired, gender-fluid, transabled apache helicopters, born with penises and testicle, but they identify as "MA'AM".
Jesus and Gabriel we're playing frisbee while God was making the world. when Gabriel missed and the frisbee flew past Jesus, it spun on the suns orbit and God was like "hey that's actually pretty cool" so they kept it there and just called it earth.
so that's why the earth is different.
earth.............-ummmm flat?
so that's why the earth is different.