Ignorance is nothing to be proud of but all to often informed personal choices are called ignorance. Simply because they are not the ones you would make given the same information doesn't mean it's ignorance. Calling it ignorance in this case is in fact an ignorance all its own. It always amazes me how such a extrospective society can so often fail to be introspective. I mean some idiot came up with micro-aggressions. By itself, this should tell you how much thought goes into what other people are supposedly thinking but also why it fails so spectacularly at actually understanding what humans are thinking. I guess though it just makes us people. Sometimes we can grasp subtleties and sometimes we need a slap in the face. Best to just not judge others as much as you can because they may actually be more informed than you. Unless it's going to get me killed, in which I will judge the crap out of you.
Knowing the "information" source is key, if you're making this argument.
Misinformation, often INTENTIONAL, is RAMPANT. And our fucktard president is making things worse by having Americans decide what is fact and what is not based on party and what will benefit him personally.
YES Y-E-S yesyesyesyesyesyesyes It is that bad here. Everyone squaring up against a straw man. We’re all stressed. People dividing along lines all over the place. There are cracks in public discourse and cracks in public roadways - we can’t figure out how to fix either one. “To be angry all the time is exhausting. Not being angry feels morally wrong.” And we KNOW - we KNOW - all this navel gazing is not helping the world or ourselves...
· 6 years ago
Huh, sounds familiar. We aren’t doing too hot ourselves.
All the politicians want you to decide what is fact based on party. The News is supposed to present facts but they also almost exclusively present based on party lines. It takes genuine effort to get the real facts on any major situation. Most people however are lazy. It's so much easier to just take someone else's word that what they said is true than research it yourself. It's my guess that something like 1 out 1000 people do the legwork to find out what is true and what's not. Half of those only bothered so they can further their own goals and positions. A quarter of those remaining will attempt to spread the facts as is. And maybe a fifth of those will have any real success. Granted this is just a guess but that's kinda what we're facing here in the US.
· 6 years ago
1/40000 do their full-fledged research? I know it was a guesstimate, but that seems incredibly low. Yikes, just fathoming that amount of idiocy hurts me. Sorry about your country’s situation.
Misinformation, often INTENTIONAL, is RAMPANT. And our fucktard president is making things worse by having Americans decide what is fact and what is not based on party and what will benefit him personally.