Well I'm not saying she's wrong, the gostbusters was not that good, I watched it and it was a little meh. The writing was kind of shit. But I watched the Spy Who Dumped Me and in some scenes, I was laughing my ass off. If there's a good story and good directing and acting, I won't care about the gender of the actor, I don't think anybody cares as long as it is a real movie. People like Kill Bill, Resident Evil, and other movies with a woman star
Yeah it is different. But I am certain that intelligence organizations utilize a wide range of diverse operators. It's a spy movie and well women can be spies too in the context of the movie, it won't break the concept. If you want to createa female Ironman or Spiderman or superman, that won't eork. But a spy, easy
· 6 years ago
But not this specific spy. It's like making Archer a woman, it just wouldn't work.
Well I am just saying if they want to burn their money and make a flop, just let them. Just like Gostbusters, or maybe it can be a great movie if it is done right. Maybe they have a great story but it only works with a female lead.
If you have read any Fleming's 007 books, you would know that 007 is a man, not a woman, you just can't change that because of some stupid feminist agenda
Why don't you just make a similar character? I mean, he can't be the ONLY spy in that universe. Just make another one. It cannot be that bloody hard. O_o
That's true too but you have to consider the fact that movies are made by producers and executives who don't know shit about movies the majority of time. If they have the illusion that they can bank on the controversy, they go for it
@xvarnah I agree that it's better to make a new character than just cash in on an existing franchise, BUT I feel like people who say they want to remake superheroes and famous male characters into female characters may have a point in that most of these characters were created at a time when strong women weren't really a thing (unless they were fighting fucktoys) and those characters already have a well established franchise behind them, so it's a lot harder for new female characters to get popular because they don't have an existing franchise behind them and also might get accused for trying to rip off these existing male characters.
I mean, it probably is harder. But it's not impossible. Super Girl is literally a female superman knock off, set in the same universe and timeline, and she seems to be doing alright. Spider Gwen also seemed at least somewhat popular. And they both exist without completely annihilating the integrity of their respective series'. In regards to the superhero franchise exclusively there's literally dozens of characters they could pull from-- both DC/Marvel and not-- to turn into movies.
In regards to other franchises, I've seen very little reason for gender-bending major male characters into oblivion. There aren't as many female characters as male, this is true, but it's been proven, repeatedly and with gusto, that if you write a good character and/or in an interesting world, people will enjoy the series. Look at Alien, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, etc etc etc.
It would not be hard to add Bond's name to the tagline for a female spy movie set in that world. Hell, they could even make an introductory movie where Bond works with her, however briefly. A little more work, but they get two films out of it.
I just don't personally see any reason to take Bond himself and turn him into Jane Bond or something. It sounds like an excuse for lazy writing, and to feed off the inevitable controversy as a promotion for the film.
(Also for the record I didn't down vote you)
Lol thanks, I hate it when people just blindly down vote without giving their opinion, it doesn't help the discussion at all.
I suppose you're right. I too am tired of all these remakes that have been popping up lately so some fresh franchises would be welcome. I just feel like this is a situation where you can't really win – either you remake a character, that gets people pissed. Or you make a new one with the same archetype and genre, that will get you accused of copying another franchise. The second one I think is especially perilous to do because if you're an indie filmmaker using the same archetype and concepts as a big franchise owned by a big company, there might be lawsuits coming at your head. And we know how trigger-happy some companies are with lawsuits... I suppose the best solution is to make a spin-off with different characters in the same universe, that way you get the publicity that comes with a big name and you get to use your ideas... (1/2)
... without being too restricted by the character's personality as outlined by the previous movies.
So yeah in principle I agree, I just don't really see how James Bond of all things became the point of contention. That guy was played by so many different actors and his personality also changes with each movie apart from the few very basic traits. So I think it would be quite easy in this case to just say it's a code name and make a movie with a female protagonist.
Then again, I guess that would kind of ruin the point of James Bond which has always been oriented towards straight male audiences, I mean some of the old movies are just straight up sexist so I guess making this a progressive franchise wouldn't really sit well with the audience. (2/2)
I don't think a woman could play 007 mainly because the character is an asshole. Straight up asshole. Gave him my keys and he drove my car into a helicopter and f#$ed off into the sunset with a hot damsel and a martini. Asshole
Or maybe just maybe let's try it, give it to a woman actor but a real one not one that can get the role becajse she is a third eave feminist or something. Then people will go see it.
In regards to other franchises, I've seen very little reason for gender-bending major male characters into oblivion. There aren't as many female characters as male, this is true, but it's been proven, repeatedly and with gusto, that if you write a good character and/or in an interesting world, people will enjoy the series. Look at Alien, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, etc etc etc.
I just don't personally see any reason to take Bond himself and turn him into Jane Bond or something. It sounds like an excuse for lazy writing, and to feed off the inevitable controversy as a promotion for the film.
(Also for the record I didn't down vote you)
I suppose you're right. I too am tired of all these remakes that have been popping up lately so some fresh franchises would be welcome. I just feel like this is a situation where you can't really win – either you remake a character, that gets people pissed. Or you make a new one with the same archetype and genre, that will get you accused of copying another franchise. The second one I think is especially perilous to do because if you're an indie filmmaker using the same archetype and concepts as a big franchise owned by a big company, there might be lawsuits coming at your head. And we know how trigger-happy some companies are with lawsuits... I suppose the best solution is to make a spin-off with different characters in the same universe, that way you get the publicity that comes with a big name and you get to use your ideas... (1/2)
So yeah in principle I agree, I just don't really see how James Bond of all things became the point of contention. That guy was played by so many different actors and his personality also changes with each movie apart from the few very basic traits. So I think it would be quite easy in this case to just say it's a code name and make a movie with a female protagonist.
Then again, I guess that would kind of ruin the point of James Bond which has always been oriented towards straight male audiences, I mean some of the old movies are just straight up sexist so I guess making this a progressive franchise wouldn't really sit well with the audience. (2/2)
(But yeah James Bond is indeed an asshole in general. Not to mention the straight up rapey stuff from the earlier movies)