All slavery is reprehensible. It’s estimated that between forced labor, child exploitation, sex trafficking, and other means over 40 million people live in modern slavery. But it isn’t a blame game of who slaved who. The issue of slavery as it is brought up concerning Europe and America is because these countries have ongoing social issues that can trace their roots back to slavery, and in paper have legal and philosophical bases that are antithical to such practices. Arab countries have their own social and human rights issues but few are designed or advertised as places of equality and freedom, and many have ongoing and more critical issues needing adressed as far as general social equity and average quality of life and freedom. So yes- non “whites” owned slaves too. People don’t bring up slavery as a guilt trip- it’s because it’s relevent to the ongoing narrative of civil rights for a group who many of the inequities they face are rooted in slave trade and carried through time since