Yeah I'm confused. This is the median, not the average. Does that mean that since the lowest someone in that age range could be making is $0, the highest paid person in that age range is makingat most $68K? That's more than me, but anything in between contains ALL of the 25-34 age group. No?
Nope. Median =/= the number exactly in the middle of the highest and lowest. Median is if you list every outcome in order from highest to lowest, what number is in the middle.
For example; 0,1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 5, 9, 12, 14
The median of this set of numbers is 4.
Which means it could be using median correctly. Because their are so many people making lower incomes, but very few people who are extremely wealthy.
That being said @bethorien pointed out, its unlikely that the graph is a fair representation of the truth.
side note, if you look at the census stats the median income is far from a basically straight line so either 1. they are using the fact they have no markings to super super super super flatten the line or 2. Their graph is bullshit
For example; 0,1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 5, 9, 12, 14
The median of this set of numbers is 4.
Which means it could be using median correctly. Because their are so many people making lower incomes, but very few people who are extremely wealthy.
That being said @bethorien pointed out, its unlikely that the graph is a fair representation of the truth.