Lets show support for those who respect and care about us as consumers
5 years ago by toutzee · 265 Likes · 5 comments · Trending
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· 5 years ago
I always buy my games and music. Those artists need support and I'm happy to give it to them. Movies and TV shows, I'm OK with pirating. Hollywood doesn't need my 30 bucks to buy a Blu Ray or a box set.
· 5 years ago
It’s debatable. We could say “the actual artist only sees pennies from my $30!” But... if they only get pennies... they NEED the most people possible to buy it, otherwise the artist makes nothing. It takes millions of pennies to make any money at all for their work- and each person is only a few pennies. But then we could say.. “well anyone many of these celebrities are rich. Most people could retire and live their whole life on what they make from one project.” True. But that’s a three parter. Part 1- then why not pirate everything since they don’t need anymore money? 2- how much money is “enough,” like at what point do we say it’s ok to steal because someone doesn’t need it? Is it just if someone has more than we do?
· 5 years ago
3- what about the people who aren’t executives or super stars? What about the contract employees and technical folks and the like who often make as much or less as any other job or industry but rely on future projects? So I mean- it’s complex but it’s really simple at the same time. Every time we pirate we are stealing. We can justify it any way we like, but we are saying that our desire to enjoy a work of art is greater than our desire to respect those who own that work. That devalues the work and de incentivizes those who aren’t simply creators but are business people financing and administrating an IP. So what and when and if we pirate is a personal decision, but we shouldn’t sugar coat or try and justify theft. It is what it is and we are what we are for doing it if we choose to.
· 5 years ago
I pirate a few games play though only some of the story, and if the game is interesting + well made, then I'll purchase the game in full-afterwards
· 5 years ago
While I do intend to buy it, I would feel remiss if I didn't point out that CD Projekt Red actually started out as a piracy group back when Poland was communist, before legally localising games into Polish and finally convincing BioWare to let them use the Neverwinter Nights engine for their own game, based on a famous Polish fantasy hero.