Someone please explain the logic of this
5 years ago by dookehh · 345 Likes · 5 comments · Trending
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· 5 years ago
one are natural resources and the other is not???
· 5 years ago
It’s a yoke my friend
· 5 years ago
It’s far more straight forward than that. Wether they find minerals or drugs, if you do not have both the legal ownership of the items AND the legal right to posses the items, they will take them. You don’t get to keep illegal drugs they find after you are released do you? They remove ownership rights. So with minerals, you legally are allowed to posses them but if you do t have a legal claim to them they are not yours to keep. With drugs you may have the legal claim to ownership but it is illegal to posses them and so they will be taken. If you have a legal deed of mining rights you keep the minerals and there’s no issue. If you have a legal exemption such as a research exemption or where allowed a medical one- you also keep the drugs without issue. In the former cases you have one but not both requirements to entitlement, in the later you have both.
· 5 years ago
It's called mineral rights. You can own the property and even own the land, but you often don't own what's in the land. Also, eminent domain.
· 5 years ago
You realize that if they happen to find oil on your property natural oil they pay you to get that oil out of from your property. For instance my aunt just last year had an oil company come up to her and offered to pay her roughly around $100,000 or so more or less a year for letting them put a oil pump on her property so they can get the oil out from underneath her property. And she doesn't have to pay property tax on the acre of land that it is on. Which helps a lot because she has around 30 Acres.
Edited 5 years ago