If it's that easy, why doesn't everyone? Maybe it's actually difficult to hold people's attention and edge out other personalities while also negotiating and organizing deals, schedules, and countless other things I'm certain we don't know about.
Because in that case there would not be an audience. A few artists, actresses and musicians manage to hold a stable career and become wealthy because there are masses of people consuming the content they create.
TV personality? Are you joking? She is about as charismatic as a rabid badger. Fashion designer? She just puts her name on shit. Business woman I'll give you, but it's not like she's doing all of it herself. Her day-to-day is probably less stressful than a kindergarten class.
If anyone had the money to do it, they'd probably do it, unless they realized the perils of being famous. Personally, I'd never want to be a TV personality if I were rich. I'd rather be left alone.
Edited 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
"If it's that easy, why doesn't everyone? " - because not everyone's the US president's not-so-secret crush, uhm, daughter.
Edited 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
R/politics is a cesspool. I wouldn't take anything they say seriously.
I think most Americans would want a guaranteed living wage right up until they learned the consequences having one would mean. Then of course they'd still want it but would also want no one else to have it. It would pretty much end the service industry overnight. No one wants work at a fast food joint. No one wants to be a sales rep, or customer service rep. If they could suddenly not be those things and still get paid they'd quit. Then in order to lure workers back the industry would have raise wages considerably. This would also mean they'd have to raise prices to cover the cost or go out of business. But with the new "living wage" you wouldn't be able to afford the new higher prices so you'd have to save up your money or get a job in order to cover the excess and now you're back to square one but everything costs more.
Nah, a perfect world is one where nobody has to do something for a living they don't want to do, robots do it. You can if you want, but if you don't want to, robots. Then you can spend the rest of the time making art, learning, perhaps making mathematical breakthroughs, exploring, getting like... really really high... etc.
Not having to work doesn't mean one is doing nothing.
I don't work. I don't have to. I have enough money not to have to work. Do I do nothing? Do I lay around like a vegetable? Sometimes, but not all the time. I do what I WANT, because I'm not obligated to do anything.... except... renew my driver's license I guess. Gotta do that Monday.
As a perfect world will never exist though, this is all moot.
If anyone had the money to do it, they'd probably do it, unless they realized the perils of being famous. Personally, I'd never want to be a TV personality if I were rich. I'd rather be left alone.
A perfect world is one where everything is provided?
I doubt that's the case
Not having to work doesn't mean one is doing nothing.
I don't work. I don't have to. I have enough money not to have to work. Do I do nothing? Do I lay around like a vegetable? Sometimes, but not all the time. I do what I WANT, because I'm not obligated to do anything.... except... renew my driver's license I guess. Gotta do that Monday.
As a perfect world will never exist though, this is all moot.