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· 5 years ago
Yes. Feelings ARE valid, and even when there’s no scientific or quantifiable basis for a feeling- or our feelings contradict with known or accepted facts, they are OUR feelings and we are entitled to them. We must also remember though that OUR feelings are our own and others have their feelings too. We cannot force others to acquiesce and accommodate to our feelings, we can ask them to and they will or will not. Feelings only exist within ourselves, we can share them but cannot force others to feel the same or act on our feelings.
· 5 years ago
Feel the feelings with your feelers before you judge others
Edited 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
I 100% agree with this statement. However I feel like certain people (*cough* Ben Shapiro *cough*) have been using it disingenuously and in a hypocritical manner. For example, feelings don't matter when it comes to how a transgender person feels (even though in a conversation about psychology I think feelings are very important) but they do matter when it comes to religious freedoms which are not only unsupported by facts, they may also be harmful, such as the freedom to perform circumcisions which, at least according to the studies and digests I've read, don't even have any medical benefits at all, and can actually cause harm in some cases. Or, y'know, the religious "freedom" to restrict other freedoms such as abortion or in extreme cases even access to contraceptives.